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Basic isothermal liquid environment blocks that specify fluid properties, hydraulic-to-isothermal-liquid conversion utility

The Isothermal Liquid Properties (IL) block lets you specify fluid properties in an isothermal liquid network.

Conversion utility functions help you upgrade legacy hydraulic models to use Isothermal Liquid blocks. Starting in R2020a, it is recommended that you use the Isothermal Liquid blocks for modeling hydraulic systems where the working fluid temperature remains constant during simulation. For information on the upgrade process for legacy hydraulic models, see Upgrading Hydraulic Models to Use Isothermal Liquid Blocks.

Simscape Blocks

Isothermal Liquid Properties (IL)Physical properties of isothermal liquid (Since R2020a)


hydraulicToIsothermalLiquidUpgrade hydraulic block diagram system to use isothermal liquid blocks (Since R2020a)
hydraulicToIsothermalLiquidPostProcessRestore original file names and links after upgrading hydraulic block diagram systems to use isothermal liquid blocks (Since R2021a)


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