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Foundation Domain Types and Directory Structure

Simscape™ software comes with the following Foundation domains:

Simscape Foundation libraries are organized in a namespace containing domain and component Simscape files. The name of the top-level namespace folder is +foundation, and the namespace consists of subfolders containing domain files, structured as follows:

- +foundation 
|-- +electrical 
| |-- electrical.ssc 
| |-- three_phase.ssc
| |-- ...
|-- +gas 
| |-- gas.ssc 
| |-- ...
|-- +hydraulic  (kept for compatibility purposes)
| |-- hydraulic.ssc 
| |-- ...
|-- +isothermal_liquid  
| |-- isothermal_liquid.ssc 
| |-- ...
|-- +magnetic  
| |-- magnetic.ssc 
| |-- ...
|-- +mechanical  
| |-- +rotational 
| | |-- rotational.ssc 
| | |-- ...
| |-- +translational 
| | |-- translational.ssc 
| | |-- ...
|-- +moist_air 
| |-- moist_air.ssc
| |-- moist_air_source.ssc 
| |-- ...
|-- +pneumatic  (kept for compatibility purposes)
| |-- pneumatic.ssc 
| |-- ...
|-- +thermal  
| |-- thermal.ssc 
| |-- ...
|-- +thermal_liquid  
| |-- thermal_liquid.ssc 
| |-- ...
|-- +translational  
| |-- translational.ssc 
| |-- ...
|-- +two_phase_fluid  
| |-- two_phase_fluid.ssc 
| |-- ...

To use a Foundation domain in a component declaration, refer to the domain name using the full path, starting with the top-level namespace folder. The following example uses the syntax for the Simscape Foundation mechanical rotational domain:

r = foundation.mechanical.rotational.rotational; 

The name of the top-level namespace folder is +foundation. It contains a subfolder +mechanical, with a subfolder +rotational, which in turn contains the domain file rotational.ssc.

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