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Option to reduce logged data points by skipping time steps

Model Configuration Pane: Simscape


Lets you limit data points being logged, by skipping time steps. Logs data points for the first time step and every nth time step thereafter, where n is the decimation factor.


To enable the Decimation parameter, set the Log simulation data parameter to All or Use local settings.


1 (default) | positive integer

Decimation factor. The default is 1, which means that all points are logged. Specifying a different value results in the first step, and every nth step thereafter, being logged. For example, specifying 2 logs data points for every other time step, while specifying 10 logs data points for just one in ten steps.


  • Saving data to workspace can slow down the simulation and consume memory. Use this parameter to limit the number of data points saved.

  • Another way to limit the number of data points saved is using the Limit data points check box in conjunction with the Data history (last N steps) parameter. The two methods work independently from each other and can be used separately or together.

  • An alternative way to reduce memory consumption is to enable data streaming to disk, as described in Stream Logging Data to Disk.

  • The Output options parameter, under Additional parameters on the Data Import/Export pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, also affects which data points are logged.

Recommended Settings

DebuggingNo Impact
TraceabilityNo Impact
EfficiencyNo Impact
Safety precautionNo Impact

Programmatic Use

Parameter: SimscapeLogDecimation
Type: numeric
Value: positive integer
Default: 1

Version History

Introduced in R2010b

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