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Enable multithreaded compilation

Option to specify whether to use multithreaded compilation on multicore machine

Since R2023b

Model Configuration Pane: Simscape


Multithreaded compilation helps reduce compilation time by compiling different reusable components on separate threads. Even if you do not enable component reuse, multithreaded compilation can help reduce compilation time because of other optimizations.

On a multicore machine, multithreaded compilation is enabled by default. However, if you require single-thread compilation, such as when you are profiling the compilation performance of a model over multiple runs and want to get comparable results, you can disable multithreaded compilation for the model.


on (default) | off

Use multithreaded compilation. Compile different reusable components on separate threads of a multicore machine.


Do not use multithreaded compilation. Compile all components on a single thread.

Recommended Settings

DebuggingNo Impact
TraceabilityNo Impact
Safety precautionNo Impact

Programmatic Use

Parameter: SimscapeMultithreadedCompilation
Type: character vector | string scalar
Value: 'on' | 'off'
Default: 'on'

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

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