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PS Round

Round input physical signal toward nearest integer

  • PS Round block

Simscape / Foundation Library / Physical Signals / Nonlinear Operators


The PS Round block rounds the input physical signal toward the nearest integer:



IPhysical signal at the input port
OPhysical signal at the output port

Both the input and the output are physical signals. Untyped physical ports facilitate the signal size propagation. However, arguments passed to rounding functions (such as round) must be dimensionless. Therefore, the input signal must have the unit of 1 (unitless), and the output signal is also unitless.



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Input physical signal. Arguments passed to rounding functions (such as round) must be dimensionless. Therefore, the input signal does not have to be a scalar but must have the unit of 1 (unitless).

The port name is not visible in the block icon, but you can see this name in the underlying source file by clicking the Source code link in the Description tab of the block dialog box.


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Output physical signal.

The port name is not visible in the block icon, but you can see this name in the underlying source file by clicking the Source code link in the Description tab of the block dialog box.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2012b

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