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Specify nominal values

Option to view, add, and edit value-unit pairs of model nominal values

Model Configuration Pane: Simscape


The scaling of each variable is determined by its nominal value and physical units. Nominal values can come from different sources. In absence of a nominal value specified for the block, a variable uses the nominal value for the commensurate physical unit specified in the model table. All models have a default table of nominal values and units (factory default). To view, add, and edit the value-unit pairs for the model, click the Specify nominal values button next to the Normalize using nominal values check box.


To enable this button, select the Normalize using nominal values check box.



Click the Specify nominal values button to view, add, and edit the value-unit pairs of nominal values for the model.

Recommended Settings

DebuggingNo Impact
TraceabilityNo Impact
EfficiencyNo Impact
Safety precautionNo Impact

Programmatic Use

Parameter: SimscapeNominalValues
Type: array of character vectors
Value: array of value-unit pairs
Default: '[{"value":"1","unit":"A"},{"value":"1","unit":"bar"},{"value":"1","unit":"cm^2"},{"value":"1","unit":"cm^3/s"},{"value":"1","unit":"kJ/kg"},{"value":"1","unit":"kW"},{"value":"1","unit":"l"},{"value":"1","unit":"N"},{"value":"1","unit":"N*m"},{"value":"1","unit":"V"}]'

Version History

Introduced in R2017b

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