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Create Apps to Control Simulations

Use App Designer to interactively build custom apps that interact with Simulink® simulations

Build custom apps to interact with Simulink simulations by using App Designer. Interactively configure your app to:

  • Perform common tasks, such as running or pausing a simulation or viewing its progress, by using specialized Simulink UI components.

  • Tune model variables while the simulation runs by connecting UI components to variables in your model.

  • Visualize simulation results by connecting time scope UI components to signals in your model.

To get started, see Create App for Simulink Model.


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uitimescopeDisplay time-domain signals in app (Since R2024a)
uisimdatabuttonCreate buttons to save or load simulation data in app (Since R2024a)
uisimcontrolsCreate simulation controls in app (Since R2024a)
uisimprogressDisplay simulation progress bar in app (Since R2024a)
uisimvartunerCreate a model variable tuner UI component in an app (Since R2024a)
bindConnect app components to simulation signals and variables (Since R2024a)
findbindingsFind bindings between objects (Since R2024a)

Configure Simulation

setExternalInputSpecify external input data for top-level input ports using SimulationInput or Simulation object
setInitialStateSpecify initial state for simulation using SimulationInput or Simulation object
setVariableSet variable values for simulation using SimulationInput or Simulation object
setModelParameterSet model parameter values for simulation using SimulationInput or Simulation object
setBlockParameterSet block parameter values for simulation using SimulationInput or Simulation object

Control Simulation Execution

initializeInitialize simulation represented by Simulation object (Since R2024a)
startStart simulation represented by Simulation object (Since R2024a)
stepAdvance simulation represented by Simulation object by specified amount (Since R2024a)
pausePause active simulation represented by Simulation object (Since R2024a)
resumeContinue paused simulation represented by Simulation object (Since R2024a)
stopStop simulation represented by Simulation object (Since R2024a)
terminateTerminate simulation represented by Simulation object (Since R2024a)


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BindingConnection between app components and simulation signals and variables (Since R2024a)
SimulationControl simulation execution and tune variable, block parameter, and model parameter values (Since R2024a)


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TimeScope PropertiesControl time scope UI component appearance and behavior (Since R2024a)
LoadInputButton PropertiesControl load input button UI component appearance and behavior (Since R2024a)
SaveOutputButton PropertiesControl save output button UI component appearance and behavior (Since R2024a)
SimulationControls PropertiesManage simulation controls UI component appearance and behavior (Since R2024a)
SimulationProgress PropertiesControl simulation progress bar appearance and behavior (Since R2024a)
VariableTuner PropertiesControl variable tuner behavior and appearance (Since R2024a)


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