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Bus signal treated as vector

Diagnostic action to take when virtual bus is treated as vector

Model Configuration Pane: Diagnostics / Connectivity


The Bus signal treated as vector configuration parameter determines the diagnostic action to take when the software treats a virtual bus as a vector.


none (default) | warning | error

The software does not check for virtual buses treated as vectors.


The software displays a warning when it detects a virtual bus treated as a vector.


The software terminates the simulation and displays an error message when it builds a model that treats a virtual bus as a vector.


  • The diagnostic considers a virtual bus to be treated as a vector if the bus is input to a block that does not accept virtual buses. For more information, see Bus-Capable Blocks.

  • Virtual buses can be treated as vectors only when all constituent signals have the same attributes.

  • To identify and correct buses used as vectors, use the Model Advisor check Check bus signals treated as vectors or the function Simulink.BlockDiagram.addBusToVector.

  • To replace an implicit bus-to-vector conversion with an explicit conversion, use the Bus to Vector block.

Recommended Settings

DebuggingNo impact
TraceabilityNo impact
EfficiencyNo impact
Safety precautionerror

Programmatic Use

Parameter: StrictBusMsg
Value1 : 'ErrorLevel1' | 'WarnOnBusTreatedAsVector' | 'ErrorOnBusTreatedAsVector'
Default: 'ErrorLevel1'

Version History

Introduced in R2006a

1 This table maps the programmatic values to the equivalent interactive values of the Bus signal treated as vector configuration parameter.

StrictBusMsg ValueEquivalent Bus signal treated as vector value

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