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Install Third-Party Software for Arduino Compatible ESP32 and Teensy Hardware

Using the Hardware Setup screens for the Simulink® Support Package for Arduino® Hardware, you can manually install the third-party software for these Arduino hardware boards.

  • Arduino compatible ESP32 — WROOM

  • Arduino compatible ESP32 — WROVER

  • Arduino compatible Teensy 4.0

  • Arduino compatible Teensy 4.1

Install Arduino Compatible ESP32 Core

While installing the Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware as described in Install Support for Arduino Hardware, execute these commands to manually install the core for your Arduino compatible ESP32 hardware boards.

  1. On MATLAB® Command Window, execute this command to get Arduino command line interface (CLI) root path.

    cliPath = codertarget.arduinobase.internal.getArduinoIDERoot
    cliPath =

  2. On your host terminal, change directory to the CLI path obtained from the above function call.

  3. Add the JSON file to the additional URLs for the Board Manager of the arduino-cli.yaml file. This file is located in the Arduino CLI root path.

    arduino-cli config set board manager.additional urls --config-file C:\aCLI\arduino-cli.yaml

  4. Update index of ESP32 core to the latest version.

    arduino-cli core update-index --additional-urls --config-file "C:\aCLI\arduino-cli.yaml"

  5. Install ESP32 core.

    arduino-cli core install esp32:esp32@2.0.11 --config-file "C:\aCLI\arduino-cli.yaml"

  6. Ensure that ESP32 core is installed.

    arduino-cli core list
    ID          Installed Latest Name 
    esp32:esp32 2.0.11     2.0.11  esp32

  7. Navigate to the Arduino CLI root path. Observe that the esp32 folder is present in the data > packages folder.

Install Arduino Compatible ESP32 Servo Library

While installing the Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware as described in Install Support for Arduino Hardware, execute these commands to manually install the ESP32 servo library for your Arduino compatible ESP32 hardware boards.

  1. On MATLAB Command Window, execute this command to get Arduino command line interface (CLI) root path.

    cliPath = codertarget.arduinobase.internal.getArduinoIDERoot
    cliPath =

  2. On your host terminal, change directory to the CLI path obtained from the above function call.

  3. Install ESP32 servo library.

    arduino-cli lib install ServoESP32@1.0.3 --config-file "C:\aCLI\arduino-cli.yaml"

  4. Navigate to the Arduino CLI root path. Observe that the ServoESP32 folder is present in the user > libraries folder.

Install Arduino Compatible Teensy Core

While installing the Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware as described in Install Support for Arduino Hardware, execute these commands to manually install the Teensy core for your Arduino compatible Teensy hardware boards.

  1. On MATLAB Command Window, execute this command to get Arduino command line interface (CLI) root path.

    cliPath = codertarget.arduinobase.internal.getArduinoIDERoot
    cliPath =

  2. On your host terminal, change directory to the CLI path obtained from the above function call.

  3. Add the JSON file to the additional URLs for the Board Manager of the arduino-cli.yaml file. This file is located in the Arduino CLI root path.

    arduino-cli config set board_manager.additional_urls --config-file "C:\aCLI\arduino-cli.yaml"
  4. Update index of Teensy core to the latest version.

    arduino-cli core update-index --additional-urls --config-file "C:\aCLI\arduino-cli.yaml"
  5. Install Teensy core.

    arduino-cli core install teensy:avr@1.58.1 --config-file "C:\aCLI\arduino-cli.yaml"
  6. Ensure that Teensy core is installed.

    arduino-cli core list
    ID          Installed Latest Name 
    teensy:avr@1.58.1     1.58.1  teensy
  7. Navigate to the Arduino CLI root path. Observe that the teensy folder is present in the data > packages folder.

See Also

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