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Additional Capabilities with Simulink Coder and Embedded Coder

You can include additional capabilities for Simulink® Support Package for Raspberry Pi® Hardware if you install Simulink Coder™ or Embedded Coder®.

The Configuration Parameters dialog box provides options to add these additional capabilities while you configure the Simulink model. After you select Raspberry Pi as the Hardware board (in the Hardware Implementation pane), go to Advanced Parameters and select the required option.

This table lists the capabilities that you can use if you install Simulink Coder or Embedded Coder (go to the Code Generation tab to view the various options like Optimization, Report, Code Style, and so on).

ProductsCapabilitiesAccess the Options
Simulink Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware only
  • Create logic using blocks in a Simulink model and deploy the model to Raspberry Pi hardware

  • Monitor signals and tune parameters (External mode)


Simulink Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware + Simulink Coder

  • Create logic using blocks in a Simulink model and deploy the model to Raspberry Pi hardware

  • Monitor signals and tune parameters (External mode)

  • Access the C code generated from Simulink and trace it back to the original model

  • Perform MAT-file logging

Simulink Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware + Embedded Coder

  • Create logic using blocks in a Simulink model and deploy the model to Raspberry Pi hardware

  • Monitor signals and tune parameters (External mode)

  • Access the C code generated from Simulink and trace it back to the original model

  • Perform MAT-file logging

  • Generate optimized code

  • Use code replacement libraries

  • Perform software-in-the-loop and processor-in-the-loop verification

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