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Run Simulink Model on Raspberry Pi Hardware

You can prepare, configure, and run a model on your Raspberry Pi® hardware.

Before starting this procedure:

  • Connect your board to the network and to a power supply.

  • Create or open a Simulink® model.

To prepare and run the model:

  1. Use File > Save As to create a working copy of your model. Keep the original model as a backup copy.

  2. In your model, go to Modeling tab, and click Model Settings to open Configuration Parameters window.

  3. In the Hardware Implementation panel, set the Hardware board parameter to Raspberry Pi.

  4. If you have changed boards since the last time you updated the firmware or ran a model, update the Host name, User name, and Password parameters.

  5. On the Hardware tab of the toolstrip, in the Mode section, select Run on board, and then click Build, Deploy & Start. This action automatically downloads and runs your model on the board.


    Pressing RESET or cycling the power on the Raspberry Pi hardware during this step can cause the ssh utility used for downloading the model to hang.

    You press RESET during this stage and are subsequently unable to download your model, shut down the hung ssh process using your host computer’s task manager, or reboot your host computer.

Running a new or updated model on the board:

  • Automatically stops a running model with the same name.

  • Does not stop running models that have other names.

See Also

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