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Access Linux on Raspberry Pi Using Computer Peripherals

You can access Linux® on the Raspberry Pi® hardware using hardware peripherals such as a monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

Linux on the Raspbian Linux image can be accessed from a Linux desktop. Whereas, Linux on other Raspbian images can be accessed from a Linux terminal.

To connect to the Raspberry Pi hardware to your hardware peripherals:

  1. Connect a computer monitor to the HDMI output on the Raspberry Pi hardware.

  2. Connect a powered USB hub to the USB port on the Raspberry Pi hardware.

  3. Connect a mouse and keyboard to the powered USB hub.

  4. Connect computer speakers to either of the two 3.5 mm audio connectors on the Raspberry Pi hardware.

  5. Connect a network cable to the Ethernet port.

  6. Connect the Raspberry Pi hardware to the power supply.

  7. Log in to the Linux desktop using the user name and password.

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