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Setup Virtual CAN Interface

To create virtual CAN communication interface nodes, perform these steps on Raspberry Pi® terminal.

  1. To open a Raspberry Pi terminal, execute these commands on the MATLAB® Command Window.

    r=raspberrypi('<Raspberry Pi IP address>','<Raspberry Pi username>','<Raspberry Pi password>');

  2. Load CAN modules.

    sudo modprobe vcan # Virtual CAN Modules 
    sudo modprobe can-gw # CAN Gateway module required for connecting two virtual CAN Nodes

  3. Create virtual CAN device.

    sudo ip link add <canInterfaceName> type vcan # Ex : sudo ip link add vcan0 type vcan

  4. Connect two virtual CAN interfaces using the can-gw module. This module creates a PF_CAN gateway between the virtual CAN interfaces. For example, redirect all the CAN frames sent from vcan0 to vcan1.

    sudo cangw -A -s vcan0 -d vcan1 -e
    This command ensures that vcan1 receives every frame sent from vcan0.

  5. You can change the source and destination interfaces and redirect all the CAN frames sent from vcan1 to vcan0.

    sudo cangw -A -s vcan1 -d vcan0 -e
    Steps 4 and 5 creates a duplex communication between vcan0 and vcan1.

See Also

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