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Find Requirements Documents in a Project

In a project, a dependency analysis finds requirements documents linked using the Requirements Management Interface.

  • You can view and navigate to and from the linked requirements documents.

  • You can create or edit Requirements Management links only if you have Requirements Toolbox™.

  1. On the Project tab, click the down arrow to expand the Tools gallery. Under Apps, click Dependency Analyzer.

    Alternatively, in the project Views pane, select Dependency Analyzer and click the Analyze button.

  2. The dependency graph displays the structure of all analyzed dependencies in the project. Project files that are not detectable dependencies of the analyzed files are not visible in the graph.

  3. Use the dependency graph legend to locate the requirements documents in the graph. Arrows connect requirements documents to the files with the requirement links.

  4. To find the specific block containing a requirement link, select the arrow connecting requirements documents to the files. In the Properties pane, in the Impacted column of the table, click the file to open it and highlight the block containing the dependency.

  5. To open a requirements document, double-click the document in the graph.

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