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Generate Code from Rate-Based Model

Generate code from the rate-based model, not from the model test harness.

To generate code from a rate-based model:

  1. In the Simulink® Toolstrip, on the Apps tab, click Embedded Coder .

  2. On the C Code tab that opens, click Build .

Code Generation Report for Rate-Based Models

The code generation report for a rate-based model describes the timing of the model.

To open the code generation report, on the C Code tab, select Open Latest Report.

Then, click Code Interface Report to view the timing of the functions in the generated code.

Code Interface Report

Generated Code Entry Points for Rate-Based Models

The combination of single-tasking versus multitasking and single-rate versus multirate controls the entry points in the generated code.

To enforce single-tasking, clear the Treat each discrete rate as a separate task configuration parameter. To allow for multitasking, select this parameter.

This table describes the generated code entry points for the ex_rate_based_model model, which contains two atomic subsystems named Subsystem1 and Subsystem2.

  • Subsystem1 multiplies its input by 2.

  • Subsystem2 multiplies its input by 4.

ConfigurationExplicitly Scheduled RatesGenerated Code Entry Points

Single-tasking or multitasking.


Subsystem1 and Subsystem2 use a sample time of 0.2.

One entry-point function called periodically every 0.2 seconds

void ex_rate_based_model_step(void)
   ex_rate_based_model_Y.Out1 = 2.0 * ex_rate_based_model_U.In1;
   ex_rate_based_model_Y.Out2 = 4.0 * ex_rate_based_model_U.In2;



Subsystem1 uses a sample time of 0.2, and Subsystem2 uses a sample time of 0.4.

One entry-point function called periodically every 0.2 seconds.

In the entry-point function, a counter (Timing.TaskCounters.TID) and rate-scheduler function (rate_scheduler) determine which code runs at which sample times.

void ex_rate_based_model_step(void)
   ex_rate_based_model_Y.Out1 = 2.0 * ex_rate_based_model_U.In1;
   if (ex_rate_based_model_M->Timing.TaskCounters.TID[1] == 0) {
       ex_rate_based_model_Y.Out2 = 4.0 * ex_rate_based_model_U.In2;

The rate-scheduler function resets the counter when the entry-point function runs.

static void rate_scheduler(void)
  if ((ex_rate_based_model_M->Timing.TaskCounters.TID[1]) > 1) {
    ex_rate_based_model_M->Timing.TaskCounters.TID[1] = 0;



Subsystem1 uses a sample time of 0.2, and Subsystem2 uses a sample time of 0.4.

Two entry-point functions: one called periodically every 0.2 seconds and the other called periodically every 0.4 seconds.

Rates are executed using a prioritized preemptive multitasking scheme. Faster rates are assigned higher priorities and thus executed first.

void ex_rate_based_model_step0(void)
   ex_rate_based_model_Y.Out1 = 2.0 * ex_rate_based_model_U.In1;

void ex_rate_based_model_step1(void)
   ex_rate_based_model_Y.Out2 = 4.0 * ex_rate_based_model_U.In2;

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