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Advisor.Application Class

Namespace: Advisor

Run Model Advisor across model reference hierarchy and variants


Use instances of Advisor.Application to:

  • Run checks on a parent model and its referenced models.

  • Run checks on both active and inactive variants by specifying the argument AnalyzeVariants as true.

  • Select or remove specific model components from Model Advisor analysis. Model components are models that the root model references and that setAnalysisRoot specifies.

Use the public methods to:

  • Run Model Advisor using an Advisor.Application object.

  • Delete an Advisor.Application object.

  • Specify which model components Model Advisor runs on.

  • Specify which checks Model Advisor runs.

  • Get results from Model Advisor.


If your model does not use model references or variants, use the function instead. can run Model Advisor checks on models and subsystems and has the option to run on multiple systems in parallel.


To create an Advisor.Application object, use Advisor.Manager.createApplication.


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Name of root model in the model reference hierarchy to analyze, specified by the Advisor.Application.setAnalysisRoot method. This property is read-only.



Data Types: char

Unique identifier for the Advisor.Application object, specified as a character vector. This property is read-only.



Data Types: char

Run analysis in a temporary working folder, specified by the Advisor.Manager.createApplication method. This property is read-only.



Data Types: logical

Run analysis on active and inactive variant blocks in models with variant configurations you create by using Variant Manager. For more information, see Variant Manager for Simulink and Variant Configurations. If you generate a report, Model Advisor produces an individual report for each variant configuration. This property is read/write.



Data Types: logical


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This example shows how to run the check Check root model Inport block specifications on the model sldemo_mdlref_basic and its referenced model sldemo_mdlref_counter.

Open the example model sldemo_mdlref_basic. In the MATLAB® Command Window, enter:


The model sldemo_mdlref_basic is a parent model that contains three Model blocks: CounterA, CounterB, and CounterC. These blocks reference the same model, sldemo_mdlref_counter, which is a separate model and not a subsystem of sldemo_mdlref_basic.

Create an Advisor.Application object that you can use to run Model Advisor checks across the model reference hierarchy in sldemo_mdlref_basic.

app = Advisor.Manager.createApplication();

Specify which model or subsystem to analyze. For this example, specify the model sldemo_mdlref_basic as the root of the Model Advisor analysis.

setAnalysisRoot(app,Root = "sldemo_mdlref_basic");

When you specify a model as the analysis root for an Advisor.Application object, Model Advisor analyzes that model and any referenced models. For more information, see setAnalysisRoot.

Suppose that you only want to run the check Check root model Inport block specifications.

By default, the Advisor.Application object is set up to run each check instance in the current Model Advisor configuration and has all check instances selected. Clear the check instances to remove all check instances from the Model Advisor analysis.


Specify that you want Model Advisor to run only the check Check root model Inport block specifications by finding and using the check instance ID.

checkID = "";
instanceIDs = getCheckInstanceIDs(app,checkID);
instanceID = instanceIDs(1);
selectCheckInstances(app,ID = instanceID);

Now the check Check root model Inport block specifications is selected for Model Advisor analysis.

The method getCheckInstanceIDs returns multiple check instance IDs because the check Check root model Inport block specifications appears in multiple folders in the Model Advisor tree. For this example, the instanceID is specified as the first check instance ID returned by getCheckInstanceIDs, but you can select any of the check instance IDs returned by getCheckInstanceIDs.


Alternatively, if you want to load a Model Advisor configuration file instead of selecting individual checks, use the method loadConfiguration.

Run the Model Advisor analysis.


Model Advisor runs the check Check root model Inport block specifications on both sldemo_mdlref_basic and sldemo_mdlref_counter.

Get the results from the Model Advisor analysis.

res = getResults(app);

Generate and view a Model Advisor report.

report = generateReport(app);

The Model Advisor report provides a summary of the results for sldemo_mdlref_basic and sldemo_mdlref_counter and hyperlinks to individual reports for each model.

This example shows how to run the check Identify unconnected lines, input ports, and output ports on the different variant choices in the model slexVariantManagement.

Open the example model slexVariantManagement. In the MATLAB Command Window, enter:


The model slexVariantManagement contains several variant subsystem blocks including Controller and Plant. Inside the variant subsystem blocks are different implementations of those components.

slexVariantManagement has multiple variant configurations stored in the variant configuration data object vcd associated with the model. Advisor.Application objects can only run Model Advisor analysis on active and inactive variant blocks in models with variant configurations created by using Variant Manager. For more information, see Variant Manager for Simulink and Variant Configurations.

Create an Advisor.Application object that you can use to run Model Advisor checks.

app = Advisor.Manager.createApplication();

Specify AnalyzeVariants as true so that Advisor.Application object can run Model Advisor for each of the variant choices in slexVariantManagement.

app.AnalyzeVariants = true;

Specify which model to analyze. For this example, specify the model slexVariantManagement as the root of the Model Advisor analysis.

setAnalysisRoot(app,Root = "slexVariantManagement");

Suppose that you want to run only the check Identify unconnected lines, input ports, and output ports.

By default, the Advisor.Application object is set up to run each check instance in the current Model Advisor configuration and has all check instances selected. Clear the check instances to remove all check instances from the Model Advisor analysis.


Specify that you want Model Advisor to run the check Identify unconnected lines, input ports, and output ports by finding and using the check instance ID.

checkID = "";
instanceIDs = getCheckInstanceIDs(app,checkID);
instanceID = instanceIDs(1);
selectCheckInstances(app,ID = instanceID);

Now the check Identify unconnected lines, input ports, and output ports is selected for Model Advisor analysis.

The method getCheckInstanceIDs returns multiple check instance IDs because the check Identify unconnected lines, input ports, and output ports appears in multiple folders in the Model Advisor tree. For this example, the instanceID is specified as the first check instance ID returned by getCheckInstanceIDs, but you can select any of the check instance IDs returned by getCheckInstanceIDs.


Alternatively, if you want to load a Model Advisor configuration file instead of selecting individual checks, use the method loadConfiguration.

Run the Model Advisor analysis.


Model Advisor runs the check on both active and inactive variants in the model and referenced models.

Get the results from the Model Advisor analysis.

res = getResults(app);

Generate and view a Model Advisor report.

report = generateReport(app);

The Model Advisor report provides a summary of the results for slexVariantManagement and hyperlinks to individual reports for each variant.


  • Referenced models only compile when they are out of date and compile-time checks do not run for the referenced models if:

    • Model references are used in a hierarchy.

    • Simulation Mode is set to accelerator.

    • UpdateModelReferenceTargets is set to IfOutOfDate.

  • Advisor.Application is unable to run on multiple systems in parallel. If your model does not use model references or variants, use the function instead. can run Model Advisor checks on models and subsystems and has the option to run on multiple systems in parallel.

Version History

Introduced in R2015b

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