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Check safety-related diagnostic settings that apply to function-call connectivity

Check ID: mathworks.hism.hisl_0308

Check model configuration for diagnostic settings that apply to function-call connectivity and that can impact safety.


This check verifies that model diagnostic configuration parameters pertaining to function-call connectivity are set optimally for generating code for a safety-related application.

Available with Simulink® Check™.

Results and Recommended Actions

ConditionRecommended Action
The diagnostic that specifies whether the Simulink software has to compute inputs of a function-call subsystem directly or indirectly while executing the subsystem is set to Use local settings or Disable all. This diagnostic detects unpredictable data coupling between a function-call subsystem and the inputs of the subsystem in the generated code.Set Context-dependent inputs on the Diagnostics > Connectivity pane in the Configuration Parameters dialog box or set the parameter FcnCallInpInsideContextMsg to error.

Action Results

Clicking Modify Settings configures model diagnostic settings that apply to function-call connectivity and that can impact safety.

Capabilities and Limitations

  • Does not run on library models.

  • Does not allow exclusions of blocks or charts.

See Also

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