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Check safety-related solver settings for solver options

Check ID: mathworks.hism.hisl_0041

Check solver settings in the model configuration that apply to solvers and might impact safety.


This check verifies that the model solver configuration parameters pertaining to solvers are set optimally for generating code for a safety-related application.

Available with Simulink® Check™.

Results and Recommended Actions

ConditionRecommended Action

The solver setting to specify the type of solver to simulate model is set to Variable-step.

In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, set Type or set the parameter SolverType to Fixed-step.

The solver setting to specify the solver to compute the states of the model during simulation or code generation is set to a value other than Discrete(no continuous states).

In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, set Solver to discrete(no continuous states) or set the parameter Solver to FixedStepDiscrete.

Action Results

Clicking Modify Settings configures model diagnostic settings that apply to solvers and that can impact safety.

Capabilities and Limitations

  • Does not run on library models.

  • Does not allow exclusions of blocks or charts.

  • Analyzes content in masked subsystems.

See Also

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