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Check usage of lookup table blocks

Check ID: mathworks.hism.hisl_0033

Check for lookup table blocks that do not generate out-of-range checking code.


This check verifies that the following blocks generate code to protect against inputs that fall outside the range of valid breakpoint values:

This check also verifies that Interpolation Using Prelookup blocks generate code to protect against inputs that fall outside the range of valid index values.

Available with Simulink® Check™.

Results and Recommended Actions

ConditionRecommended Action

The lookup table block does not generate out-of-range checking code.

Change the setting on the block dialog box so that out-of-range checking code is generated.

  • For the 1-D Lookup Table, 2-D Lookup Table, n-D Lookup Table, and Prelookup blocks, clear the check box for Remove protection against out-of-range input in generated code.

  • For the Interpolation Using Prelookup block, clear the check box for Remove protection against out-of-range index in generated code.

Capabilities and Limitations

  • Runs on library models.

  • Analyzes content in masked subsystems. By default, the input parameter Look under masks is set to all.

  • Analyzes content of library-linked blocks. By default, the input parameter Follow links is set to on.

  • Allows exclusions of blocks and charts.

Action Results

Clicking Modify verifies that lookup table blocks are set to generate out-of-range checking code.

See Also

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