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SIL and Model Test Status Distributions

Metric ID



This metric returns a distribution of the statuses of the software-in-the-loop (SIL) and simulation (model testing) test results.

Computation Details

The metric:

  • Includes only tests in the project that test the model or subsystems in the unit for which you collect metric data.

  • Shows tests as untested if the test only ran in processor-in-the-loop (PIL) mode.


To collect data for this metric, use getMetrics with the metric ID slcomp.sil.SilMtTestStatusDistribution.

Collecting data for this metric loads the model file and test result files and requires a Simulink® Test™ license.


For this metric, instances of metric.Result return Value as a distribution structure that contains these fields:

  • BinCounts — The number of tests in each bin, returned as a vector.

  • BinEdges — The outputs of the sil.SilMtTestStatus metric, returned as a vector. The outputs represent the test result statuses:

    • 0 — The test results are incomplete.

    • 1 — Only the SIL test results failed.

    • 2 — Only the model test results failed.

    • 3 — Both the SIL and model test results failed.

    • 4 — Both the SIL and model test results passed.

Compliance Thresholds

This metric does not have predefined thresholds.

See Also


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