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Class: Simulink.CloneDetection.Settings
Namespace: Simulink.CloneDetection

Remove folder


cloneDetectionSettings = removeFolders(cloneDetectionSettings,FolderName)


cloneDetectionSettings = removeFolders(cloneDetectionSettings,FolderName) removes folder from cloneDetectionSettings object.

Input Arguments

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Clone Detection Settings, specified as a Simulink.CloneDetection.Settings object.

Name of the folder, specified as a character vector.

Output Arguments

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Clone Detection Settings, specified as a Simulink.CloneDetection.Settings object.


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This example shows how to remove a folder from cloneDetectionSettings object. Suppose the folder name is Folders1.

Save the folder name, Folders1, to the variable FolderName.

FolderName = 'Folders1';

Remove the folder name to the clone detection settings.

cloneDetectionSettings = removeFolders(cloneDetectionSettings,FolderName)
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