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Model Metric Data Aggregation

You can better understand the size, complexity, and readability of a model and its components by analyzing aggregated model metric data. Aggregated metric data is available in the AggregatedValue and AggregatedMeasures properties of an slmetric.metric.Result object. The AggregatedValue property aggregates the metric scalar values. The AggregatedMeasures property aggregates the metric measures (that is, the detailed information about the metric values).

How Model Metric Aggregation Works

The implementation of a model metric defines how a metric aggregates data across a component hierarchy. For MathWorks model metrics, the slmetric.metric.Metric class defines model metric aggregation. This class includes the AggregationMode property, which has these options:

  • Sum: Returns the sum of the Value property and the Value properties of its children components across the component hierarchy. Returns the sum of the Meaures property and the Measures properties of its children components across the component hierarchy.

  • Max: Returns the maximum of the Value property and the Value properties of its children components across the component hierarchy. Returns the maximum of the Measures property and the Measures properties of its children components across the component hierarchy.

  • None: No aggregation of metric values.

You can find descriptions of MathWorks model metrics and their AggregationMode property setting in Model Metrics. For custom metrics, as part of the algorithm method, you can define how the metric aggregates data. For more information, see Create a Custom Model Metric for Nonvirtual Block Count.

This diagram shows how the software aggregates metric data across the components of a model hierarchy. The parent model is at the top of the hierarchy. The components can be the following:

  • Model

  • Subsystem block

  • Chart

  • MATLAB function block

  • Protected model

Model hierarchy with the values and aggregated values for the model and components

In the diagram, the AggregationMode is Sum and the model and components in the hierarchy each have a Value and an AggregatedValue. The AggregatedValue for a parent model or component is the sum of its Value and the AggregatedValue of each direct child component. For example, in this diagram, the AggregatedValue of the parent model is 75. The AggregatedValue of the parent model is calculated as the sum of the Value of the parent model, 6, plus the AggregatedValue of each direct child component, 33, 17, and 19.

Access Aggregated Metric Data

This example shows how to collect metric data programmatically in the metric engine, and then access aggregated metric data.

  1. Load the sldemo_auto_climatecontrol model.

  2. Create an slmetric.Engine object and set the analysis root.

    metric_engine = slmetric.Engine();

  3. Collect data for the Input output model metric.

  4. Get the model metric data that returns an array of slmetric.metric.ResultCollection objects, res_col. Specify the input argument for AggregationDepth.

    res_col = getMetrics(metric_engine,'mathworks.metrics.IOCount',...

    The AggregationDepth input argument has two options: All and None. If you do not want the getMetrics method to aggregate measures and values, specify None.

  5. Display the results.

    metricData ={'MetricID','ComponentPath','Value',...
    cnt = 1;
    for n=1:length(res_col)
        if res_col(n).Status == 0
            results = res_col(n).Results;
            for m=1:length(results)
                disp(['MetricID: ',results(m).MetricID]);
                disp(['  ComponentPath: ',results(m).ComponentPath]);
                disp(['  Value: ',num2str(results(m).Value)]);
                disp(['  Aggregated Value: ',num2str(results(m).AggregatedValue)]);
                disp(['  Measures: ',num2str(results(m).Measures)]);
                disp(['  Aggregated Measures: ',...
                metricData{cnt+1,1} = results(m).MetricID;
                metricData{cnt+1,2} = results(m).ComponentPath;
                metricData{cnt+1,3} = results(m).Value;
                tdmetricData{cnt+1,4} = results(m).Measures;
                metricData{cnt+1,5} = results(m).AggregatedMeasures;
                cnt = cnt + 1;
            disp(['No results for:',res_col(n).MetricID]);
        disp(' ');

Here are the results:

MetricID: mathworks.metrics.IOCount
  ComponentPath: sldemo_auto_climatecontrol
  Value: 0
  Aggregated Value: 9
  Measures: 0  0  0  0
  Aggregated Measures: 5  4  0  0
MetricID: mathworks.metrics.IOCount
  ComponentPath: sldemo_auto_climatecontrol/AC Control
  Value: 6
  Aggregated Value: 6
  Measures: 5  1  0  0
  Aggregated Measures: 5  1  0  0
MetricID: mathworks.metrics.IOCount
  ComponentPath: sldemo_auto_climatecontrol/External Temperature in Celsius
  Value: 1
  Aggregated Value: 1
  Measures: 0  1  0  0
  Aggregated Measures: 0  1  0  0
MetricID: mathworks.metrics.IOCount
  ComponentPath: sldemo_auto_climatecontrol/Heat from occupants
  Value: 1
  Aggregated Value: 1
  Measures: 0  1  0  0
  Aggregated Measures: 0  1  0  0
MetricID: mathworks.metrics.IOCount
  ComponentPath: sldemo_auto_climatecontrol/Heater Control
  Value: 8
  Aggregated Value: 8
  Measures: 5  3  0  0
  Aggregated Measures: 5  3  0  0
MetricID: mathworks.metrics.IOCount
  ComponentPath: sldemo_auto_climatecontrol/Interior Dynamics
  Value: 3
  Aggregated Value: 3
  Measures: 2  1  0  0
  Aggregated Measures: 2  1  0  0
MetricID: mathworks.metrics.IOCount
  ComponentPath: sldemo_auto_climatecontrol/More Info
  Value: 0
  Aggregated Value: 0
  Measures: 0  0  0  0
  Aggregated Measures: 0  0  0  0
MetricID: mathworks.metrics.IOCount
  ComponentPath: sldemo_auto_climatecontrol/Subsystem
  Value: 2
  Aggregated Value: 2
  Measures: 1  1  0  0
  Aggregated Measures: 1  1  0  0
MetricID: mathworks.metrics.IOCount
  ComponentPath: sldemo_auto_climatecontrol/Subsystem1
  Value: 2
  Aggregated Value: 2
  Measures: 1  1  0  0
  Aggregated Measures: 1  1  0  0
MetricID: mathworks.metrics.IOCount
  ComponentPath: sldemo_auto_climatecontrol/Temperature Control Chart
  Value: 9
  Aggregated Value: 9
  Measures: 5  4  0  0
  Aggregated Measures: 5  4  0  0
MetricID: mathworks.metrics.IOCount
  ComponentPath: sldemo_auto_climatecontrol/User Setpoint in Celsius
  Value: 1
  Aggregated Value: 1
  Measures: 0  1  0  0
  Aggregated Measures: 0  1  0  0

For the Input output metric, the AggregationMode is Max. For each component, the AggregatedValue and AggregatedMeasures properties are the maximum number of inputs and outputs of itself and its children components. For example, for sldemo_auto_climatecontrol, the AggregatedValue property is 9, which is the sldemo_auto_climatecontrol/Temperature Control Chart component value.

See Also

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