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Run Custom Model Advisor Checks on Architecture Models

Use Custom Model Advisor checks on Architecture models (System Composer).

Following is an example to identify the exceeded limit of Inports and Outports of a component in an Architecture model.

1. On the MATLAB command window, run Advisor.Manager.refresh_customizations. This step is necessary to publish the custom checks to the Model Advisor.

2. Open the architecture model.

copyfile sl_customization_orig.m sl_customization.m f

3. From the Modeling tab, open Model Advisor. You can also open the Model Advisor by typing this command at the MATLAB command prompt:

Updating Model Advisor cache...
Model Advisor cache updated. For new customizations, to update the cache, use the Advisor.Manager.refresh_customizations method.

4. On the Model Advisor window, click By Product > System Composer and Select Check number of Inports and Outports of a component check.

5. Right-click the check and select Run This Check. Model Advisor runs the selected check on the architecture model and displays the results.

6. Open the sl_customization file to view the demo source code.

edit sl_customization.m

7. Change the hardcoded threshold value for Inports and Outports to any desired values.

8. Re-run the check to verify the updated results.

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