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Explore Metric Results, Monitor Progress, and Identify Issues

With Simulink® Check™, you can view metrics for your Model-Based Design artifacts, assess the current status of a project, and identify and fix non-compliant metric results. You can collect the metric results programmatically or use dashboards to visualize the metric results. You can also save reports for offline review of metric results.

The dashboards and metric results provide an overview of model quality and the project verification status. Use the detailed metric results to identify specific artifacts that are not in compliance with industry standards and guidelines. The dashboard summarizes metric results so you can track progress and identify gaps. As you update, refactor, and fix artifacts, return to the dashboard to monitor your progress towards fixing non-compliant artifacts or gaps in requirements-based testing.

Metric Results in the Dashboards

There are different types of dashboards:

  • Metrics Dashboard — To help you assess the status of your model against industry and custom modeling guidelines.

  • Model Maintainability Dashboard — To help you assess the size, architecture, and complexity of the models in your project.

  • Model Testing Dashboard — To help you assess the model testing artifacts in your project.

  • SIL Code Testing and PIL Code Testing Dashboards — To help you assess the code testing artifacts in your project.

The following table shows examples of common dashboard results, the associated dashboard and metrics, and links to related examples.

DashboardDashboard ResultsDashboard and Metric ExamplesGuidelines and Standards
Metrics Dashboard

Assess compliance to modeling standards and guidelines.

Modeling Guideline Compliance section with metric results for high-integrity and MAAB checks

Use the Metrics Dashboard to visualize the metric results or collect results programmatically with the model metrics. For more information, see:

Use the Metrics Dashboard to collect compliance data from checks on modeling guidelines. For more information, see Collect Compliance Data and Explore Results in the Model Advisor.

By default, the Modeling Guideline Compliance section of the dashboard shows the results of high-integrity and MAAB Model Advisor checks, but you can customize the Metrics Dashboard to show compliance issues for other groups of checks. For more information, see Customize Metrics Dashboard Layout and Functionality.

Identify parts of your model that use library content to reuse existing modeling components or parts of your model that you can potentially refactor to reuse modeling components.

Architecture section with metric results for Actual Reuse and Potential Reuse of modeling components

Create custom model metrics and customize how to display metric results in the dashboard.

Size section with metric results for a custom model metric, Nonvirtual Block Count

Model Maintainability Dashboard

View the overall architecture of the Simulink, Stateflow®, and MATLAB® artifacts in your project.

Simulink Architecture section with metric results for the number of blocks, signal lines, and Goto blocks

Use the Model Maintainability Dashboard to visualize the metric results or collect results programmatically with the model maintainability metrics. For more information, see:

Assess Model Size and Complexity for ISO 26262

Pinpoint areas in the design that have high complexity.

Component Structure and Design Cyclomatic Complexity Breakdown sections pointing to metric results for Simulink design complexity

Model Testing Dashboard

Trace the relationships between models, requirements, and tests.

Tests Linked to Requirements section with metric results for the number of tests with requirements, tests that are unlinked, and the distribution of requirements per test

Use the Model Testing Dashboard to visualize the metric results or collect results programmatically with the model testing metrics. For more information, see:

Assess Requirements-Based Testing for ISO 26262

View the current status of model testing and identify gaps in test results.

Model Test Status with the percentage of tests that passed, the number of inconclusive test results, and the number of disabled tests

View the overall achieved model coverage and monitor the sources of coverage.

Model Coverage and Achieved Coverage Ratio sections with metric results for overall achieved coverage and whether the overall achieved coverage came from requirements-based, unit-boundary tests

SIL Code Testing and PIL Code Testing Dashboards

View the current status of code testing and identify gaps in test results.

Test Summary with the percentage of tests that passed and a Test Status with the number of passed, failed, disabled, and untested tests

Use the SIL Code Testing and PIL Code Testing dashboards to visualize the metric results or collect results programmatically with the code testing metrics. For more information, see:

Identify and Troubleshoot Gaps in Code Testing Results and Coverage

View the overall achieved code coverage and monitor the sources of coverage.

Overall SIL code coverage achieved, justified, and missed

Identify issues across model and code testing results.

Coverage Recap table showing justified and completed, model and SIL coverage

See Also

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