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Enforce Passivity Constraint for Flexible Beam

This example shows how to enforce passivity constraint for vibration control in a flexible beam using the Passivity Enforcement block.

Flexible Beam Model

The following figure depicts an active vibration control system for a flexible beam.

In this setup, the actuator delivering the force u(t) and the velocity sensor are collocated. You can model the transfer function from control input u to the velocity y using finite-element analysis. Keeping only the first six modes, you obtain a plant model of the following form.


Configure the model parameters.

xi = 0.05;
alpha = [0.09877, -0.309, -0.891, 0.5878, 0.7071, -0.8091];
w = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36];

Construct the resulting beam model G(s).

G = tf(alpha(1)^2*[1,0],[1, 2*xi*w(1), w(1)^2]) + ...
    tf(alpha(2)^2*[1,0],[1, 2*xi*w(2), w(2)^2]) + ...
    tf(alpha(3)^2*[1,0],[1, 2*xi*w(3), w(3)^2]) + ...
    tf(alpha(4)^2*[1,0],[1, 2*xi*w(4), w(4)^2]) + ...
    tf(alpha(5)^2*[1,0],[1, 2*xi*w(5), w(5)^2]) + ...
    tf(alpha(6)^2*[1,0],[1, 2*xi*w(6), w(6)^2]);

Check whether the model is passive.

ans = logical

With this sensor and actuator configuration, the beam is a passive system.

Open the Simulink® model and disable passivity constraint enforcement.

mdl = 'passivityBeam';
constrained = 0;

Design LQG Controller

Before you apply the constraints, design an LQG controller for the beam model. LQG control is a natural formulation for active vibration control. The LQG control setup is depicted in this figure.

The signals d and n are the process and measurement noise, respectively.

The LQG objective is to minimize


with noise variance

E(d2(t))=1, E(n2(t))=0.01.

Design the LQG controller.

[a,b,c,d] = ssdata(G);
M = [c d;zeros(1,12) 1];  % [y;u] = M * [x;u]
QWV = blkdiag(b*b',1e-2);
QXU = M'*diag([1 1e-3])*M;
CLQG = lqg(ss(G),QXU,QWV);

Simulate the LQG controller and plot its performance.

% Simulate the model.
out = sim(mdl);

% Extract trajectories.
logsout = out.logsout;

% Plot trajectories of y.
y = logsout.getElement('y');       
y_vector = y.Values.Data(:,:)';
grid on

Passivity Constraint

The beam model is passive from control input u to the velocity y.

The Passivity Enforcement block accepts passivity constraint in the form up=fp(x)+gp(x)u and yp=hp(x). In this application, fp(x)=0, gp(x)=1, and hp(x)=y.

Simulate Controller with Passivity Constraint

To view the constraint implementation, open the Constraint > Constrained subsystem.

Enable the passivity constraint enforcement.

constrained = 1;

Run the model and plot the simulation results.

% Simulate the model.
out = sim(mdl);

% Extract trajectories.
logsout = out.logsout;

% Plot trajectories of y.
y = logsout.getElement('y');       
y_vector = y.Values.Data(:,:)';
grid on

When you enforce the passivity constraint, the vibration in flexible beam is greatly reduced.

Close the model.


See Also

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