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Optimization-Based Control Design

Design controllers using numerical optimization techniques

Perform optimization-based control system design in Simulink®, or if you have Control System Toolbox™ implement it in the Control System Designer.

In Simulink, you can optimize controller parameters, such as PID gains, in your model to meet time-domain and frequency-domain design requirements. Optimize parameters in the Response Optimizer, or the command line. For example, see Design Optimization to Meet Step Response Requirements (GUI).

In Control System Designer, you can design control systems for LTI models by optimizing controller parameters. See When to Use Optimization-Based Linear Control Design.


  • Control Design in Simulink
    Specify time-domain and frequency-domain requirements, tune controller parameters such as PID gains
  • Control Design in MATLAB
    Specify time- and frequency-domain requirements, tune controller parameters such as gains (requires Control System Toolbox)
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