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Using Specified Input Minimum and Maximum Values as Constraints

This example shows how to use input port minimum and maximum values as analysis constraints by Simulink® Design Verifier™ during both test generation and property proving.

This model is preconfigured to generate tests for MCDC. The specified minimum and maximum values are displayed in square brackets. The constraints in this example prevent some of the coverage objectives from being satisfied. When you generate tests without considering these constraints, all of the coverage objectives are satisfied.

1. The Input1 and Input2 minimum and maximum values are captured directly on their respective inport signal attributes.

2. The minimum and maximum values are specified on the Simulink.Signal objects associated with signals a and b. Simulink Design Verifier uses the signal object's values as constraints. When multiple minimum and maximum values are specified, e.g., on the inport and on the signal object, Simulink Design Verifier considers their tightest range.

3. Simulink Design Verifier considers the minimum and maximum limit ranges specified on Stateflow® data that is directly connected to the root-level input ports

4. For subsystem analysis, the subsystem root-level specified input minimum and maximum values are considered. Observe that generating tests for the Subsystem uses the constraints specified on SSIn, but ignores them for the system-level analysis.
