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Build and Deploy a Real-Time Application

After you build a real-time application, use Simulink® Real-Time™ Explorer to deploy the application to a target computer and run the application in standalone mode on the target computer. For more information, see Deploy and Configure a Startup Real-Time Application.

  1. Open an example Simulink model, for example, slrt_ex_osc_rt. In the Command Window, type:

    openExample('slrealtime/SlrtCreateAndRunRealTimeAppFromSimulinkModelExample', ...
  2. Build the model. In the Simulink Editor, on the Real-Time tab, click Run on Target > Build Application.

  3. Open Simulink Real-Time Explorer. In the Simulink Editor, on the Real-Time tab, click Prepare > SLRT Explorer.

  4. From the target computers list, select a target computer and connect to it.

  5. To deploy the real-time application, click Load Application, use the File Selector to select the application, and click Load.

Simulink Real-Time loads the real-time application on the target computer. You can start the application by using Simulink Real-Time Explorer or by using the target computer command line.

See Also

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