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Compile Source Code for Functional Mock-up Units

When you build a model that includes FMU blocks, you must compile the FMU source code by using the QNX Neutrino compiler qcc or q++. This compiler creates shared object SO files that you include in the FMU. This process makes sure that the FMU contains the code to run on a Simulink Real-Time target computer. For more information, see Apply Functional Mock-up Units by Using Simulink Real-Time.

Implement the FMU Block in Model

To implement the vanDerPol block in the Simulink model by using the FMU, specify the FMU name for the block. Open the model slrt_ex_vanderpol, double-click the FMU block vanDerPol, and select the vanDerPol.fmu file for the FMU name block parameter.

Build the model, load the real-time application on the target computer, and run the real-time application.

Compile FMU File That Contains Source Code

The slrealtime.fmu.compileFMUSources function compiles an FMU file that contains source code. The process outputs an FMU file and Simulink Real-Time binary file in the same folder as the input FMU file and appends an _slrt suffix to the output file name. This example selects an FMU file to compile and overwrites previous compiler output.

Copy an example file to the current working folder.

mkdir tempdir myFmuDir;
cd tempdir;
cd myFmuDir;
copyfile ../../slrt_ex_fmu_work;
Warning: Directory already exists. 

Create variable to provide path and file name.

my_file = 'vanDerPol.fmu';

Compile the FMU file and overwrite previous output.


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