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ETAS Inca Limitations

For ETAS® Inca, the Simulink® Real-Time™ software does not support:

  • Connecting MATLAB® to the target computer while using ETAS Inca.

  • Loading, starting, or stopping the real-time application by using ETAS Inca commands.

    To load, start, or stop the real-time application on the target computer, use the target computer command-line interface. For example:

    slrealtime load --AppName app_name

    slrealtime start

    slrealtime stop

    For more information, see Target Computer Command-Line Interface.

  • ETAS Inca flash programming.

  • Multiple simultaneous ETAS Inca connections to a single target computer.

  • Tunability of parameters with ExportedGlobal storage class when the model has other parameters with PageSwitching storage class. As a work around you can:

    • Place all the parameters you want to tune in model workspace. Or

    • Change the default mapping for storage class from PageSwitching to default. The PageSwitching storage class is not used, and the page switching functionality is not available.

Event mode data acquisition has the following limitations:

  • Every piece of data that the Simulink Real-Time software adds to the event list slows the real-time application. The amount of data that you can observe depends on the model sample time and the speed of the target computer. It is possible to overload the target computer CPU to where data integrity is reduced.

  • You can trace only signals and scalar parameters. You cannot trace vector parameters.

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