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Get outgoing links for justifications


myLinks = outLinks(jt)


myLinks = outLinks(jt) returns the outgoing links for the justification jt.

Input Arguments

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Justification, specified as an slreq.Justification object.

Output Arguments

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Outgoing links for the justification, returned as an slreq.Link array.


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This example shows how to get outgoing links for justifications.

Load the requirement set crs_req_justs.

rs = slreq.load("crs_req_justs");

Find the justification with Index set to 5.2.

jt = find(rs,Index=5.2);

Get the outgoing links for the justification.

myLinks = outLinks(jt);


  • To get the outgoing links for a requirement, use the outLinks method of slreq.Requirement. To get the outgoing links for a referenced requirement, use the outLinks method of slreq.Reference.

  • The links for justification objects are always outgoing.

Alternative Functionality


You can also use the Requirements Editor to view outgoing links. Select a justification. In the right pane, under Links, the outgoing links icon indicates outgoing links.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b