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Create a Simple Baseline Test

This example shows how to create a simple test that compares test results to baseline data. Baseline tests are useful for regression testing when you change a model and want to ensure the output matches the baseline data.

The model used in this example is sltestBasicCruiseControlBaseline, which has a subsystem named Controller with a bus of six input signals and throttle and target speed output signals.

Open the Model


Cruise control model for baseline test

Create the Test Harness

The test harness for this example is a separate model that you can use to test the Controller subsystem without changing the subsystem or main model.

1. In the main model, right-click the Controller block and select Test Harness > Create for 'Controller' from the menu.

2. In the Create Test Harness dialog box, click OK to create the test harness using the default values. The created test harness, sltestBasicCruiseControlBaseline_Harness1, opens.

Harness model for controller component

Create the Test File and Test Structure

Open the Test Manager and create a test file and test file structure for your test. The default structure has one test suite, which has one test case. When you create the test file, it creates a new baseline test case by default. Test files can contain one or more test suites, which can contain one or more test cases.

1. In the Harness tab, click Simulink Test Manager.

2. In the Test Manager, click New > Test File to open the Save File dialog box.

3. Enter baseline_test as the name of the test file and click OK. The test file structure opens in the Test Browser pane.

Test file structure showing file, test suite, and test case names

4. Right-click New Test Case 1 and select Rename from the menu. Name the test case My Baseline Test.

Renamed test case

Specify the Model and Test Harness

Set up the model and test harness to use for the test case.

1. Click My Baseline Test test case.

2. In the right pane, expand the System Under Test section. Click the Use current model icon current model button image next to the Model field to add sltestBasicCruiseControlBaseline.slx as the model to test.

System under test section for the test case

3. Expand the Test Harness section and click the Update model harnesses icon refresh button image next to the Harness drop-down menu to refresh the harness list.

Test harness section for the test case

4. Select sltestBasicCruiseControlBaseline_Harness1 from the drop-down menu.

Specify the Inputs

This example uses the inputs provided in the inputs.mat file.

1. Expand the Inputs section.

2. Under External Inputs, click Add.

3. In the Add Input dialog box, specify or browse for the inputs.mat file and click Add.

4. The Add Input dialog box expands to show additional options. Under Input Mapping, leave the Mapping Mode property as Block Name and click Map Inputs. The Add Input dialog box updates to show that the inputs were successfully mapped.

Add input dialog box

5. Click Add to close the dialog box and add the inputs.mat file to the External Inputs table.

Capture the Baseline Data

Obtain and save the baseline data.

1. Expand the Baseline Criteria section.

2. Click Capture at the bottom of the section.

3. In the Capture Baseline dialog box, enter baseline_data as the file name. Then, click Capture. The model simulates and saves the baseline data.

Run the Test and View the Results

Run the baseline test and display the throttle signal results.

1. In the Test Browser tab, ensure the My Baseline Test is selected. Click Run in the toolstrip to run the baseline test case.

2. When the test finishes, the Test Manager opens the Results and Artifacts pane. In this example, the model did not change after the baseline was captured, so the baseline test passes.

In the Results and Artifacts pane, expand the results and select the throt:1 signal.

Test results plots

The upper plot shows both the baseline data and the simulation output data, which match. The lower plot shows that the difference between the two data sets is zero for the entire run. The test results for the target:1 signal also match and have zero difference.

Clean Up

Clear the test results, close the Test Manager without saving, and close the model.


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