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Results Sections

Double-click a test case results in the Results and Artifacts pane to open a results tab and view the test case result sections. A baseline test case result is shown as an example.

Test case results summary


For a selected test case, the Summary section includes the basic test information and the test outcome. For more information about the simulation, toggle the Simulation Metadata arrow to expand the section.

For a selected Results item, the Summary section includes information for the Result Set, which applies to all of its child test suites and test cases.

Test Requirements

A list of test requirements linked to the test case. See Requirements for more information on linking requirements to test cases.

Iteration Settings

If you are using iterations to run test cases, then this section appears in the results. For more information about test iterations, see Test Iterations.


This section displays simulation errors captured from the Simulink® Diagnostic Viewer. Errors from incorrect information defined in the test case and callback scripts are also shown here. To view simulation logs in the command window, enter this command at the command line before running the test:



This section displays simulation warnings captured from the Simulink Diagnostic Viewer. To view simulation logs in the command window, enter this command at the command line before running the test:



You can include notes about the test results here. These notes are saved with the results.

Parameter Overrides

A list of parameter overrides specified in the test case under Parameter Overrides. If parameter overrides are not specified, then this section is not shown in the results summary.

Coverage Results

If you collect coverage in your test, then the coverage results for the selected test case results appear in this section. Coverage results are aggregated at the test file level. For more information about coverage, see Collect Coverage in Tests.

Aggregated Coverage Results

At the Results level, lists the model analyzed for test coverage and includes a link to generate a coverage report. This section also reports the complexity level and the decision and execution percentages.

Scope coverage results to linked requirements

Controls whether coverage results include all executed items or only executed items that are directly linked to requirements. If not selected, coverage results include all executed items. If selected and the results set contains more than one simulation, such as multiple test cases or iterations, coverage results are shown for tests explicitly linked to requirements in those test cases or iterations. Requirements linked to steps in a Test Sequence block are not included in the coverage results.

Add Tests for Missing Coverage

Generate tests for missing coverage using Simulink Design Verifier. To add an iteration to an existing test case, select the test case name in Test Case. To create a new test case, select <Create a new test case> and specify the Test Type and Test Filename. See Increase Test Coverage for a Model and Increase Coverage by Generating Test Inputs.

Applied Coverage Filters

At the Results level, lists the filter files applied to the coverage results shown in the Aggregated Coverage Results section.

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