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Power Converters Modeling Techniques

This example shows the operation of several types of power electronics converters that can be simulated using one of four selectable modeling techniques

Modeling Techniques Description

You can run this simulation using one of the following modeling techniques:

  1. Switching devices: The converter is modeled with IGBT/diode pairs controlled by firing pulses produced by a PWM generator.

  2. Switching function: The converter is modeled by a switching function controlled by firing pulses produced by a PWM generator.

  3. Switching function (PWM averaging): The converter is modeled by a switching function controlled by firing pulses produced by a PWM generator with pulse averaging. The g input then expects signals values between 0 and 1.

  4. Average model (Uref-controlled): The converter is modeled using a switching-function model directly controlled by the reference voltage. A PWM generator is not required.

  5. Average model (Uref-controlled, no rectifier mode): The converter is modeled using voltage sources directly controlled by the reference voltage. A PWM generator is not required, and the rectifier mode is not simulated.

Technique 1 is the most accurate, while technique 5 yields to the fastest simulation. Technique 3 (with firing pulses averaged), as well as techniques 4 and 5 are well-suited for real-time simulation.

Power Converters Description

The simulation allows you to observe operation of several types of power electronics converters:

1-MVA Active Rectifier: This active rectifier will produce the main DC supply (+/-500V) used by several other converters. The rectifier consists of a three-phase, 3-level NPC converter and a closed-loop control system. It can take or give back power to the grid in order to maintain the specified DC level.

60-Hz Load: The load is modeled using a half-bridge converter controlled by a PWM generator having a carrier frequency of 33*60.

DC Variable Load: The load variation is achieved using a buck converter and a variable DC source at the converter output.

DC Supply: A boost converter transfers power (125 kW) from a 500V DC source to the main DC supply.

DC Motor Drive: The drive consists of a speed-regulated 200-HP motor, a Two-Quadrant DC-DC Converter and a control system.

50-Hz Load: The load is modeled using a full-bridge converter controlled by a PWM generator having a carrier frequency of 1650 Hz and a modulation index of 0.9.

2-MVA STATCOM: This distribution STATCOM consists of two three-phase, 2-level converters (twin topology) and a closed-loop control system. It can generate or absorb 2 Mvars from the grid.


During the simulation, the DC variable load will vary from 125 kW to 350 kW at 5 Hz. At 0.5 s, the DC motor speed setpoint is changed from 1200 to 800 RPM. At 0.6 s, the STATCOM reference (Qref) is changed from -1 Mvar to +1.5 Mvar. Run the simulation and observe the resulting signals on the various scopes. Select a different modeling technique and rerun the simulation, comparing results with previous runs.

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