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MCAN Transmit

Send serial data to CAN bus

Since R2021a

  • F2838x-M4 MCAN Transmit block

C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F2838x / M4
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F280015x
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F28003x
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F2838x / C28x
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F28p55x
C2000 Microcontroller Blockset / F28p65x


The MCAN Transmit block sends messages to a Controller Area Network (CAN) connected to the hardware.

In the Raw data mode, the block accepts a 1-D array of type uint8. In the CAN msg mode, the block accepts a Simulink® bus signal from CAN-FD Pack block.


In MCAN Transmit block, if the transmit FIFO is full, then the data is not transmitted.

Specify the Data Format and its properties using the block parameters dialog box. Configure the properties of CAN module in the Configuration Parameters. For more refer to Model Configuration Parameters for Texas Instruments C2000 Processors.



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The block accepts messages in the Raw data or CAN Msg format.

  • Raw data – To accept the message as a uint8 vector array, set the Data format as Raw data.

  • CAN Msg – To accept the message in CAN message format, set the Data format as CAN Msg. You can create your messages using the CAN FD Pack block.

Data Types: uint8 | CAN Msg


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Output port to display the CAN message transmission status. The status port outputs:

  • 0 - When CAN message is added to transmit FIFO/Queue

  • 1 - When CAN message is not added to transmit to FIFO/Queue


To enable this port, select the Output Status parameter.


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Select a type to the write message to transmit FIFO or queue. This message is later transmitted to CAN network connected to hardware.

  • Raw data – To write message as a 1-by-N uint8 array, select Data Format as Raw data.

  • CAN Msg – To write message in CAN message format, select Data Format as CAN Msg and then perform these steps:

    1. Add a CAN FD Pack block from C2000™ Microcontroller Blockset/Target Communication library to your model.

    2. Connect the output of the CAN FD Pack block to the input of the MCAN Transmit block

    3. Using the options in the Data to be input as list of the CAN Pack block, specify if you want to create your messages or you want to upload a CAN database file. If you choose to upload a CAN database file, the CAN FD Pack block inherits the message properties from the uploaded file.

The CAN frame format.


To enable this parameter, set Data Format to Raw data.

The CAN message identifier type.


To enable this parameter, set Data Format to Raw data.

Identifier, which is 11 bits long for the standard frame size or 29 bits long for the extended frame size, specified in decimal, binary, or hex format. For binary and hex formats, use bin2dec(' ') and hex2dec(' '), respectively, to convert the entry. The identifier is used to create CAN message transmitted to the CAN bus.


To enable this parameter, set Data Format to Raw data.

The length in bytes of data in the CAN message.

The length of message for the Classic CAN frame format is between 0-8 bytes, and for the CAN-FD frame format the range is between 0-64. The blocks displays an error when there is mismatch between the length of data at transmission port and the length you specify here.


To enable this parameter, set Data Format to Raw data.

Select this parameter to configure the CAN message as a remote message. The data at the input port is not considered for transmission.


To enable this parameter, set Data format to Raw data and Frame format to Classic CAN.

Select this parameter to configure the CAN message as a bit rate switch. The data in the CAN message will be transmitted at the data rate you specify in the hardware configuration parameter.


To enable this parameter, set Data format to Raw data and Frame format to CAN-FD.

When you select the Output Status parameter, the block configures the Status of the port. The port outputs CAN message transmission status.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

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