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Communication Peripherals

Configure and use communication peripherals such as CAN, I2C, IPC, SCI, SPI, TCP, UDP, and more

Create Simulink® models with the communication peripherals such as CAN, I2C, IPC, SCI, SPI, and more available on TI’s C2000™ microcontrollers. Configure the Simulink model to interface with supported target hardware using model configuration parameters. You can map tasks and peripherals in a model to hardware board configurations using Hardware Mapping tool.


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C28x CAN ReceiveEnhanced Controller Area Network receive mailbox
C28x CAN TransmitEnhanced Controller Area Network transmit mailbox
MCAN ReceiveRead data from CAN bus (Since R2021a)
MCAN TransmitSend serial data to CAN bus (Since R2021a)
MCAN Interrupt StatusOutput specific bits of MCAN interrupt register or entire register (Since R2021b)
C28x I2C ReceiveConfigure inter-integrated circuit (I2C) module to receive data from I2C bus
C28x I2C TransmitConfigure inter-integrated circuit (I2C) module to transmit data to I2C bus
Interprocess Data ReadReceive messages from another processor using interprocess communication channel (Since R2020b)
Interprocess Data WriteSend messages to another processor using interprocessor data write (Since R2020b)
Interprocess Data ChannelModel interprocessor data channel between two processors (Since R2020b)
C28x SCI ReceiveReceive data on target via serial communication interface (SCI) from host
C28x SCI TransmitTransmit data from target via serial communication interface (SCI) to host
C28x SPI Controller TransferWrite data to and read data from SPI peripheral device
C28x SPI ReceiveReceive data through Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) on target
C28x SPI TransmitTransmit data through Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) on target
C2803x LIN ReceiveReceive data via local interconnect network (LIN) module on target
C2803x LIN TransmitTransmit data from target via serial communications interface (SCI) to host
MCAN ReceiveRead data from CAN bus (Since R2021a)
MCAN TransmitSend serial data to CAN bus (Since R2021a)
MCAN Interrupt StatusOutput specific bits of MCAN interrupt register or entire register (Since R2021b)
F2838x-M4 TCP ReceiveReceive data over TCP/IP network from remote host (Since R2020b)
F2838x-M4 TCP SendSend data over TCP/IP network to remote host (Since R2020b)
F28M35x/F28M36x TCP SendSend TCP packets to a TCP host on TCP/IP network
F28M35x/F28M36x TCP ReceiveReceive TCP packets from TCP host on TCP/IP network
F2838x-M4 UDP SendSend UDP packets to UDP host (Since R2020b)
F2838x-M4 UDP ReceiveReceive UDP packets from UDP host (Since R2020b)
F28M35x/F28M36x UDP SendSend UDP packets to UDP host
F28M35x/F28M36x UDP ReceiveReceive UDP packets from the specified UDP host
F2838x-M4 UART ReceiveReceive data from the Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) port (Since R2020a)
F2838x-M4 UART TransmitSend serial data to the Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) port (Since R2020a)
F28M35x/F28M36x UART TransmitTransmit serial data to the Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) port
F28M35x/F28M36x UART ReceiveReceive data from the Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) port
F2838x-M4 Hardware InterruptTrigger downstream function-call subsystem from interrupt service routine (Since R2020b)
F28M3xx-M3 Hardware InterruptTrigger downstream function-call subsystem from interrupt service routine
F2837xD/F2838x/F2838x-M4 IPC ReceiveReceive data from either core while using separate model for each core
F2837xD/F2838x/F2838x-M4 IPC TransmitTransmit data to either core while using separate model for each core


Hardware MappingMap tasks and peripherals in a model to hardware board configurations (Since R2022b)



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