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Lateral Driver

Lateral path-tracking controller

  • Lateral Driver block

Vehicle Dynamics Blockset / Vehicle Scenarios / Driver


The Lateral Driver block implements a control model to generate normalized steering commands that track a lateral reference displacement. The normalized steering commands can vary between -1 to 1. To model the dynamics, the block uses a linear single track (bicycle) model. Use the Lateral Driver block to:

  • Close the loop between a predefined path and actual vehicle motion.

  • Generate steering commands that track predefined paths. You can connect the Lateral Driver block output to steering block inputs.


External Actions

Use the External Actions parameters to create input ports for signals that can disable, hold, or override the closed-loop steering command. The block uses this priority order for the input commands: disable (highest), hold, override. The block uses this priority order for the input commands: disable (highest), hold, override.

This table summarizes the external action parameters.


External Action Parameter

Input Ports

Data Type

Override the steering command with an input steering command.

Steering override





Hold the steering command at the current value.

Steering hold


Disable the steering command.

Steering disable


Use the Output handwheel angle parameter to specify the units for the steering ports.


Block Implementation


off (default)

Commanded steer angle, normalized from -1 through 1. The block uses the tire wheel angle saturation limit Tire wheel angle limit, theta parameter to normalize the command.

SteerCmd — Output

Overrides the steering command with an input steering command normalized from -1 through 1.

SteerOvrCmd — Input


Commanded steer angle, in units specified by Angular units, angUnits.

SteerCmd — Output

Overrides the steering command with an input steering command, in units specified by Angular units, angUnits.

SteerOvrCmd — Input

Also, you can specify a tire wheel angle saturation limit using the Tire wheel angle limit, theta parameter.

Control Type and Units

Use the Lateral control type, controlTypeLat parameter to specify the type of lateral control. The table specifies the block implementation.


Block Implementation

Predictive (default)

Optimal single-point preview (look ahead) control model developed by C. C. MacAdam1, 2, 3. The model represents driver steering control behavior during path-following and obstacle avoidance maneuvers. Drivers preview (look ahead) to follow a predefined path.


Controller that uses the Stanley4 method to minimize the position error and the angle error of the current pose with respect to the reference pose.

On the Reference Control pane, use the:

  • Vector input for poses parameter to input the to specify the input.

    off (default)

    Block uses the longitudinal, lateral, and yaw reference (LongRef, LatRef, LatRef) input ports and the feedback (LongFdbk, LatFdbk, LatFdbk) input ports for the reference and feedback pose.


    Block uses input ports, RefPose and CurrPose, for the reference and feedback pose, respectively.

  • Include dynamics parameter to specify the type of model for the controller to use.

    off (default)

    Controller uses a kinematic bicycle model that is suitable for path following in low-speed environments such as parking lots, where inertial effects are minimal.


    Controller uses a dynamic bicycle model that is suitable for path following in high-speed environments such as highways, where inertial effects are more pronounced.

Use the Angular units, angUnits parameter to specify the angular units for the input and output ports.

Controller: Predictive Lateral Path-Tracking

If you set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Predictive, the Lateral Driver block implements an optimal single-point preview (look ahead) control model developed by C. C. MacAdam1, 2, 3. The model represents driver steering control behavior during path-following and obstacle avoidance maneuvers. Drivers preview (look ahead) to follow a predefined path. To implement the MacAdam model, the block:

  • Represents the dynamics as a linear single track (bicycle) vehicle

  • Minimizes the previewed error signal at a single point T* seconds ahead in time

  • Accounts for the driver lag deriving from perceptual and neuromuscular mechanisms

This figure illustrates the block implementation of the single-point version of the driver model.

Block diagram illustrating implementation of single-point driver model

Vehicle Dynamics

For lateral and yaw motion, the block implements these linear dynamic equations.


In matrix notation:

x˙=Fx+gδFwhere:x=[yvrψ]F=[010U0-2CαF+CαR mU2bCαRaCαF mUU002bCαRaCαF IU-2a2CαF+b2CαR IU00010]x=[02CαFm2aCαFI0]

The single-point model assumes a minimum previewed error signal at a single point T* seconds ahead in time. a* is the driver ability to predict the future vehicle response based on the current steering control input. b* is the driver ability to predict the future vehicle response based on the current vehicle state. The block uses these equations.

a*=T*mT[I+n=1Fn(T*)n(n+1)!]gb*=mT[I+n=1Fn(T*)nn!]where: mT=[1000]

The equations use these variables.

a, b

Forward and rearward tire location, respectively


Vehicle mass


Vehicle rotational inertia


Front tire cornering coefficient


Rear tire cornering coefficient

a*, b*

Driver prediction scalar and vector gain, respectively


Predicted vehicle state vector


Lateral velocity


Yaw rate


Front wheel heading angle


Lateral displacement


System matrix

δ, δF

Steer angle and front axle steer angle, respectively


Control coefficient vector


Forward (longitudinal) vehicle velocity


Preview time window


Previewed path input T* seconds ahead


Forward vehicle velocity


Constant observer vector; provides vehicle lateral position


The single-point model implemented by the block finds the steering command that minimizes a local performance index, J, over the current preview interval, (t, t+T).


To minimize J with respect to the steering command, this condition must be met.


You can express the optimal control solution in terms of a current non-optimal and corresponding nonzero preview output error T* seconds ahead1, 2, 3.


The block uses the preview distance and vehicle longitudinal velocity to determine the preview time window.


The equations use these variables.


Preview time window


Previewed path input T* sec ahead


Previewed plant output T* sec ahead


Previewed error signal T* sec ahead

u(t), uo(t)

Steer angle and optimal steer angle, respectively


Preview distance


Performance index


Forward (longitudinal) vehicle velocity

Driver Lag

The single-point model implemented by the block introduces a driver lag. The driver lag accounts for the delay when the driver is tracking tasks. Specifically, it is the transport delay deriving from perceptual and neuromuscular mechanisms. To calculate the driver transport delay, the block implements this equation.


The equations use these variables.


Driver transport delay


Previewed plant output T* sec ahead


Previewed error signal T* sec ahead

u(t), uo(t)

Steer angle and optimal steer angle, respectively


Performance index

Controller: Stanley Lateral Path-Tracking

If you set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Stanley, the block implements the Stanley method4. To compute the steering angle command, the Stanley controller minimizes the position error and the angle error of the current pose with respect to the reference pose. The driving direction of the vehicle determines these error values.

To compute the steering angle command, the controller minimizes the position error and the angle error of the current pose with respect to the reference pose.

  • The position error is the lateral distance from the vehicle center-of-gravity (CG) to the reference point on the path.

  • The angle error is the angle of the vehicle with respect to reference path.




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Longitudinal center of mass (CM) displacement reference, in the inertial reference frame, in m.


To enable this port:

  • Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Stanley

  • Clear Vector input for poses

Lateral center of mass (CM) displacement reference, in the inertial reference frame, in m.


To enable this port, do either of these:

  • Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Stanley and clear Vector input for poses.

  • Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Predictive.

Enable steering command override.


To enable this port, select Steering override.

Data Types: Boolean

Steering override command.

Use the Output handwheel angle parameter to specify the units for the steering ports.


Block Implementation


off (default)

Commanded steer angle, normalized from -1 through 1. The block uses the tire wheel angle saturation limit Tire wheel angle limit, theta parameter to normalize the command.

SteerCmd — Output

Overrides the steering command with an input steering command normalized from -1 through 1.

SteerOvrCmd — Input


Commanded steer angle, in units specified by Angular units, angUnits.

SteerCmd — Output

Overrides the steering command with an input steering command, in units specified by Angular units, angUnits.

SteerOvrCmd — Input


To enable this port, select Steering override.

Data Types: double

Boolean signal that holds the steering command at the current value.


To enable this port, select Steering hold.

Data Types: Boolean

Disable steering command.


To enable this port, select Steering disable.

Data Types: Boolean

Vehicle yaw angle, Ψo, in the inertial reference frame, in units specified by Angular units, angUnits.


To enable this port:

  • Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Stanley

  • Clear Vector input for poses

Reference pose, specified as an [x, y, Θ] vector. x and y are in meters, and Θ are in units specified by Angular units, angUnits.

x and y specify the reference point to steer the vehicle toward. Θ specifies the orientation angle of the path at this reference point and is positive in the counterclockwise direction.

The reference point is the point on the path that is closest to the vehicle CG. You can use the either the Z-up or Z-down vehicle coordinate system, as long you use the same coordinate system (Z-up or Z-down) for block inputs and parameters.

Figure indicating location of x, y, and theta on vehicle path


To enable this port, set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Stanley and select Vector input for poses.

Data Types: single | double

Longitudinal vehicle velocity, U, in the vehicle-fixed frame, in m/s.

Current pose of the vehicle, specified as an [x, y, Θ] vector. x and y are in meters, and Θ is in units specified by Angular units, angUnits.

x and y specify the location of the vehicle, which is defined as the vehicle CG. You can use the either the Z-up or Z-down vehicle coordinate system, as long you use the same coordinate system (Z-up or Z-down) for block inputs and parameters.

Figure indicating location of x, y, and theta on vehicle path


To enable this port, set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Stanley and select Vector input for poses.

Data Types: single | double

Lateral CM displacement, yo, in the inertial reference frame, in m.


To enable this port, do either of these:

  • Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Stanley and clear Vector input for poses.

  • Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Predictive.

Lateral vehicle velocity, vo , in the vehicle-fixed frame, in m/s.


To enable this port, Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Predictive.

Vehicle yaw angle, Ψo, in the inertial reference frame, in units specified by Angular units, angUnits.


To enable this port, do either of these:

  • Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Stanley and clear Vector input for poses.

  • Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Predictive.

Yaw rate, ro, in the vehicle-fixed frame, in units specified by Angular units, angUnits per sec.


To enable this port, Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Predictive.


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Bus signal containing these block calculations.


Predicted lateral displacement, in the vehicle-fixed frame.


Predicted lateral velocity, in the vehicle-fixed frame.


Predicted front wheel heading angle.


Predicted yaw rate, in the vehicle-fixed frame.


Commanded steer angle.


Difference in reference vehicle position and vehicle position.


Integrated square of error.


Maximum error during simulation.


Minimum error during simulation.


Override the steering command with an input deceleration command.


Input steering override command


Hold the steering command at the current value


Disable the steering command

Commanded steer angle, δF.

Use the Output handwheel angle parameter to specify the units for the steering ports.


Block Implementation


off (default)

Commanded steer angle, normalized from -1 through 1. The block uses the tire wheel angle saturation limit Tire wheel angle limit, theta parameter to normalize the command.

SteerCmd — Output

Overrides the steering command with an input steering command normalized from -1 through 1.

SteerOvrCmd — Input


Commanded steer angle, in units specified by Angular units, angUnits.

SteerCmd — Output

Overrides the steering command with an input steering command, in units specified by Angular units, angUnits.

SteerOvrCmd — Input


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Select to override the steering command with an input steering command.


Selecting this parameter creates the EnblSteerOvr and SteerOvrCmd input ports.

Select to hold the steering command.


Selecting this parameter creates the SteerHld input port.

Select to disable the steering command.


Selecting this parameter creates the SteerZero input port.

Use the Output handwheel angle parameter to specify the units for the steering ports.


Block Implementation


off (default)

Commanded steer angle, normalized from -1 through 1. The block uses the tire wheel angle saturation limit Tire wheel angle limit, theta parameter to normalize the command.

SteerCmd — Output

Overrides the steering command with an input steering command normalized from -1 through 1.

SteerOvrCmd — Input


Commanded steer angle, in units specified by Angular units, angUnits.

SteerCmd — Output

Overrides the steering command with an input steering command, in units specified by Angular units, angUnits.

SteerOvrCmd — Input


To create the SteerOvrCmd input port, select Steering override.

Use the Lateral control type, controlTypeLat parameter to specify the type of lateral control. The table specifies the block implementation.


Block Implementation

Predictive (default)

Optimal single-point preview (look ahead) control model developed by C. C. MacAdam1, 2, 3. The model represents driver steering control behavior during path-following and obstacle avoidance maneuvers. Drivers preview (look ahead) to follow a predefined path.


Controller that uses the Stanley4 method to minimize the position error and the angle error of the current pose with respect to the reference pose.

On the Reference Control pane, use the:

  • Vector input for poses parameter to input the to specify the input.

    off (default)

    Block uses the longitudinal, lateral, and yaw reference (LongRef, LatRef, LatRef) input ports and the feedback (LongFdbk, LatFdbk, LatFdbk) input ports for the reference and feedback pose.


    Block uses input ports, RefPose and CurrPose, for the reference and feedback pose, respectively.

  • Include dynamics parameter to specify the type of model for the controller to use.

    off (default)

    Controller uses a kinematic bicycle model that is suitable for path following in low-speed environments such as parking lots, where inertial effects are minimal.


    Controller uses a dynamic bicycle model that is suitable for path following in high-speed environments such as highways, where inertial effects are more pronounced.

Input and output port angular units.

Reference Control


Driver response time, τ, in s.


To enable this parameter, Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Predictive.

Driver preview distance, L, in m. Used to determine the preview time window, T*.


To enable this parameter, Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Predictive.


Select this parameter to create the RefPose and CurrPose input ports.


To enable this parameter, Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Stanley.

The controller computes this command using the Stanley method, whose control law is based on both a kinematic and dynamic bicycle model. To change between models, use this parameter.


Controller uses a kinematic bicycle model that is suitable for path following in low-speed environments such as parking lots, where inertial effects are minimal.


Controller uses a dynamic bicycle model that is suitable for path following in high-speed environments such as highways, where inertial effects are more pronounced.


To enable this parameter, Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Stanley.

Position gain of the vehicle when it is in forward motion, specified as a positive scalar. This value determines how much the position error affects the steering angle. Typical values are in the range [1, 5]. Increase this value to increase the magnitude of the steering angle.


To enable this parameter, Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Stanley.

Position gain of the vehicle when it is in reverse motion, specified as a positive scalar. This value determines how much the position error affects the steering angle. Typical values are in the range [1, 5]. Increase this value to increase the magnitude of the steering angle.


To enable this parameter, Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Stanley.

Yaw rate feedback gain, specified as a nonnegative real scalar. This value determines how much weight is given to the current yaw rate of the vehicle when the block computes the steering angle command.


To enable this parameter, Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Stanley and select Include dynamics.

Steering angle feedback gain, specified as a nonnegative real scalar. This value determines how much the difference between the current steering angle command, SteerCmd, and the current steering angle, CurrSteer, affects the next steering angle command.


To enable this parameter, Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Stanley and select Include dynamics.

Vehicle Parameters

Forward location of tire, a, in m. Distance from vehicle cg to forward tire location, along vehicle longitudinal axis.

Rearward location of tire, b, in m. Absolute value of distance from vehicle cg to rearward tire location, along vehicle longitudinal axis.

Vehicle mass, m, in kg.


To enable this port, do either of these:

  • Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Stanley and select Include dynamics.

  • Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Predictive.

Cornering stiffness coefficient, CαF , in N/rad.


To enable this port, do either of these:

  • Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Stanley and select Include dynamics.

  • Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Predictive.

Cornering stiffness coefficient, CαR , in N/rad.


To enable this port, set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Predictive.

Vehicle rotational inertia, I, about the vehicle yaw axis, in N·m·s^2.


To enable this parameter, Set Lateral control type, controlTypeLat to Predictive.

Steering ratio, Ksteer. The value has no dimension.


To enable this parameter, select Output handwheel angle.

Tire wheel angle limit, θ, in rad.


[1] MacAdam, C. C. "An Optimal Preview Control for Linear Systems". Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control. Vol. 102, Number 3, Sept. 1980.

[2] MacAdam, C. C. "Application of an Optimal Preview Control for Simulation of Closed-Loop Automobile Driving ". IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Vol. 11, Issue 6, June 1981.

[3] MacAdam, C. C. Development of Driver/Vehicle Steering Interaction Models for Dynamic Analysis. Final Technical Report UMTRI-88-53. Ann Arbor, Michigan: The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Dec. 1988.

[4] Hoffmann, Gabriel M., Claire J. Tomlin, Michael Montemerlo, and Sebastian Thrun. "Autonomous Automobile Trajectory Tracking for Off-Road Driving: Controller Design, Experimental Validation and Racing." American Control Conference. 2007, pp. 2296–2301. doi:10.1109/ACC.2007.4282788

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