Trailer Body 6DOF
Vehicle Dynamics Blockset /
Vehicle Body
The Trailer Body 6DOF block implements a rigid one-axle, two-axle or three-axle trailer body model that calculates longitudinal, lateral, vertical, pitch, roll, and yaw motion. The block accounts for body mass, inertia, aerodynamic drag, road incline, and weight distribution between the axle hard-point locations due to suspension and external forces and moments.
Use the Inertial Loads parameters to analyze the trailer dynamics under different loading conditions. To specify the number of trailer axles, use the Number of axles parameter.
To create additional input ports, under Input signals, select these block parameters.
Parameter | Input Port | Description |
Front hitch forces | FhF | Hitch force applied to the body at the front hitch location, FhFx, FhFy, and FhFz, in the vehicle-fixed frame |
Front hitch moments | MhF | Hitch moment at the front hitch location, MhFx, MhFy, and MhFz, about the vehicle-fixed frame |
Rear hitch forces | FhR | Hitch force applied to the body at the rear hitch location, FhRx, FhRy, and FhRz, in the vehicle-fixed frame |
Rear hitch moments | MhR | Hitch moment at the rear hitch location, MhRx, MhRy, and MhRz, about the vehicle-fixed frame |
Inertial Loads
To analyze the vehicle dynamics under different loading conditions, use the Inertial Loads parameters. You can specify these loads:
Front end
Front left and front right
Rear left and rear right
Rear end
For each of the loads, you can specify the mass, location, and inertia.
The illustrations provide the load locations and vehicle parameter dimensions. The table provides the corresponding location parameter sign settings.
This table summarizes the parameter settings that specify the load locations indicated by the dots. For the location, the block uses this distance vector:
Front axle to load, along the vehicle-fixed x-axis
Vehicle centerline to load, along the vehicle-fixed y-axis
Front axle to load, along the vehicle-fixed z-axis
Load | Parameter | Example Location |
Front end | Distance vector from front axle, z1R |
Overhead | Distance vector from front axle, z2R |
Front left | Distance vector from front axle, z3R |
Front right | Distance vector from front axle, z4R |
Rear left | Distance vector from front axle, z5R |
Rear right | Distance vector from front axle, z6R |
Rear end | Distance vector from front axle, z7R |
Equations of Motion
To determine the vehicle motion, the block implements calculations for the rigid body vehicle dynamics, wind drag, inertial loads, and coordinate transformations. The body-fixed and vehicle-fixed coordinate systems are the same.
The block considers the rotation of a body-fixed coordinate frame about a flat earth-fixed inertial reference frame. The origin of the body-fixed coordinate frame is the vehicle center of gravity of the body.
The block uses this equation to calculate the translational motion of the body-fixed coordinate frame, where the applied forces [Fx Fy Fz]T are in the body-fixed frame, and the mass of the body, m, is assumed to be constant.
To determine the relationship between the body-fixed angular velocity vector, [p q r]T, and the rate of change of the Euler angles, , the block resolves the Euler rates into the body-fixed frame.
Inverting J gives the required relationship to determine the Euler rate vector.
The applied forces and moments are the sum of the drag, gravitational, external, and suspension forces.
Calculation | Implementation |
Load masses and inertias | The block uses the parallel axis theorem to resolve the individual load masses and inertias with the vehicle mass and inertia. |
Gravitational forces, Fg | The block uses the direction cosine matrix (DCM) to transform the gravitational vector in the inertial-fixed frame to the body-fixed frame. |
Drag forces, Fd, and moments, Md | To determine a relative airspeed, the block subtracts the wind speed from the vehicle center of mass (CM) velocity. Using the relative airspeed, the block determines the drag forces. Using the relative airspeed, the block determines the drag moments. |
External forces, Fin, and moments, Min | The external forces and moments are input via ports FExt and MExt. |
Suspension forces and moments | The block assumes that the suspension forces and moments act on these hardpoint locations:
The equations use these variables.
Vehicle CM displacement, velocity, and acceleration along the vehicle-fixed x-axis | |
Vehicle CM displacement, velocity, and acceleration along the vehicle-fixed y-axis | |
Vehicle CM displacement, velocity, and acceleration along the vehicle-fixed z-axis | |
φ | Rotation of the vehicle-fixed frame about the earth-fixed X-axis (roll) |
θ | Rotation of the vehicle-fixed frame about the earth-fixed Y-axis (pitch) |
ψ | Rotation of the vehicle-fixed frame about the earth-fixed Z-axis (yaw) |
FFLx, FFLy, FFLz | Suspension forces applied to the front left hardpoint along the vehicle-fixed x-, y-, and z-axes |
FFRx, FFRy, FFRz | Suspension forces applied to the front right hardpoint along the vehicle-fixed x-, y-, and z-axes |
FMLx, FMLy, FMLz | Suspension forces applied to the middle left hardpoint along the vehicle-fixed x-, y-, and z-axes |
FMRx, FMRy, FMRz | Suspension forces applied to the middle right hardpoint along the vehicle-fixed x-, y-, and z-axes |
FRLx, FRLy, FRLz | Suspension forces applied to the rear left hardpoint along the vehicle-fixed x-, y-, and z-axes |
FRRx, FRRy, FRRz | Suspension forces applied to the rear right hardpoint along the vehicle-fixed x-, y-, and z-axes |
MFLx, MFLy, MFLz | Suspension moment applied to the front left hardpoint about the vehicle-fixed x-, y-, and z-axes |
MFRx, MFRy, MFRz | Suspension moment applied to the front right hardpoint about the vehicle-fixed x-, y-, and z-axes |
MMLx, MMLy, MMLz | Suspension moment applied to the middle left hardpoint about the vehicle-fixed x-, y-, and z-axes |
MMRx, MMRy, MMRz | Suspension moment applied to the middle right hardpoint about the vehicle-fixed x-, y-, and z-axes |
MRLx, MRLy, MRLz | Suspension moment applied to the rear left hardpoint about the vehicle-fixed x-, y-, and z-axes |
MRRx, MRRy, MRRz | Suspension moment applied to the rear right hardpoint about the vehicle-fixed x-, y-, and z-axes |
Fextx, Fexty, Fextz | External forces applied to the vehicle CM along the vehicle-fixed x-, y-, and z-axes |
Fdx, Fdy, Fdz | Drag forces applied to the vehicle CM along the vehicle-fixed x-, y-, and z-axes |
Mextx, Mexty, Mextz | External moment about the vehicle CM about the vehicle-fixed x-, y-, and z-axes |
Mdx, Mdy, Mdz | Drag moment about the vehicle CM about the vehicle-fixed x-, y-, and z-axes |
I | Vehicle body moments of inertia |
a, b, c | Distance of the front, middle, and rear axles, respectively, from the normal projection point of the vehicle CM onto the common axle plane |
h | Height of the vehicle CM above the axle plane |
d | Lateral distance from the geometric centerline to the center of mass along the vehicle-fixed y-axis |
hh_f, hh_r | Height of the front and rear hitches, respectively, above the axle plane along the vehicle-fixed z-axis |
dh_f, dh_r | Longitudinal distance of the front and rear hitches, respectively, from the normal projection point of the vehicle CM onto the common axle plane |
hl_f, hl_r | Lateral distance from center of mass to the front and rear hitches, respectively, along the vehicle-fixed y-axis |
wF, wM, wR | Front, middle, and rear track widths, respectively |
Cd | Air drag coefficient acting along the vehicle-fixed x-axis |
Cs | Air drag coefficient acting along the vehicle-fixed y-axis |
Cl | Air drag coefficient acting along the vehicle-fixed z-axis |
Crm | Air drag roll moment acting about the vehicle-fixed x-axis |
Cpm | Air drag pitch moment acting about the vehicle-fixed y-axis |
Cym | Air drag yaw moment acting about the vehicle-fixed z-axis |
Af | Frontal area |
R | Atmospheric specific gas constant |
T | Environmental air temperature |
Pabs | Environmental absolute pressure |
wx, wy, wz | Wind speed along the vehicle-fixed x-, y-, and z-axes |
Wx, Wy, Wz | Wind speed along inertial X-, Y-, and Z-axes |
[1] Gillespie, Thomas. Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 1992.
Extended Capabilities
Version History
Introduced in R2020b