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Visualize Point Cloud Sequence

This example shows how to visualize a streaming point cloud sequence by using a Point Cloud Viewer block.

Load the location data for a point cloud sequence into the MATLAB® workspace.


Load the color data for the point cloud sequence into the MATLAB workspace.


Example Model

Open the Simulink® model.

modelname = "ex_blkpointcloudviewer.slx";

The model reads the point cloud sequence location data from the MATLAB workspace using a Video From Workspace block with these parameters:

  • SignalpcLocationSeq.mat

  • Sample Time1

The model reads the point cloud sequence color data from the MATLAB workspace using a Video From Workspace block with these parameters:

  • SignalpcColorSeq.mat

  • Sample Time1

The Image output ports of the Video From Workspace blocks send the location and color information of the 3-D point cloud sequence, frame by frame, to the Location and Color ports, respectively, of the Point Cloud Viewer block.

Simulate the model

Run the model and display the streaming 3-D point cloud sequence in the Point Cloud Viewer window.
