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ROI Selector

Select a region of interest (ROI) from pixel stream

  • ROI Selector block

Vision HDL Toolbox / Utilities


The ROI Selector block selects a portion of the active frame from a video stream. The size of the inactive frame remains the same. The output control signals indicate a new active region of the frame. You can use this block with a single pixel, multipixel, or multipixel-multicomponent pixel stream. This diagram shows the inactive pixel regions in blue and the requested output region outlined in orange.

Specified region of the input frame returned as a pixel stream with pixels outside of the region marked as inactive.

You can specify a fixed size and location for the ROI, or you can select the region location dynamically by using an input port. You can select more than one region. Define each region by specifying its upper-left corner coordinates and dimensions. By default, the block returns one set of pixels and control signals for each region you specify. The block sets the inactive pixels in the output frame to zero.

Regions are independent from each other, so they can overlap. If you specify a region that includes the edge of the active frame, the block returns only the active portion of the region. This diagram shows the output frames for three requested regions. The second output region does not include the inactive area above the image.

Three regions (one partially falling outside of the active frame, and one overlapping another), returned as three pixel streams.

The block also provides a mode for vertical reuse. In this mode, you must specify regions that have no vertical overlap and are aligned in columns. Each column of regions shares one output pixel stream. The control signals define each region in the stream. This arrangement enables parallel processing of each column, and the reuse of downstream processing logic for each region in a column. To use this mode, select the Reuse output ports for vertically aligned regions parameter. Use the visionhdlframetoregions function to divide a frame into tiled regions for vertical reuse.

Eight tiled regions returned as two output pixel streams that each contain four vertically-aligned regions.



This image shows the additional ports on the block when you configure three regions of interest from input ports.

ROI Selector block with optional ports.

This block uses a streaming pixel interface with a bus for frame control signals. This interface enables the block to operate independently of image size and format. The pixel ports on this block support single pixel streaming or multipixel streaming. Single pixel streaming accepts and returns a single pixel value each clock cycle. Multipixel streaming accepts and returns a vector of M pixels per clock cycle to support high-frame-rate or high-resolution formats. The M value corresponds to the Number of pixels parameter of the Frame To Pixels block. Along with the pixel, the block accepts and returns a pixelcontrol bus that contains five control signals. The control signals indicate the validity of each pixel and their location in the frame. For multipixel streaming, one set of control signals applies to all pixels in the vector. To convert a frame (pixel matrix) into a serial pixel stream and control signals, use the Frame To Pixels block. For a full description of the interface, see Streaming Pixel Interface.

This block also supports multipixel-multicomponent streams, where the pixel input is a matrix of M-by-N values. M is number of pixels and N is number of components. These values correspond to the Number of pixels and Number of components parameters of the Frame To Pixels block.


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For single pixel streams, specify pixel as a scalar or a vector of 1-by-Number of components values. For multipixel streams, specify pixel as a matrix of Number of pixels-by-Number of components pixel intensity values. Number of pixels can be two, four, or eight.

The software supports double and single data types for simulation, but not for HDL code generation.

Data Types: uint | int | fixed point | Boolean | double | single

The pixelcontrol bus contains five signals. The signals describe the validity of the pixel and its location in the frame. For more information, see Pixel Control Bus.

For multipixel streaming, each vector of pixel values has one set of control signals. Because the vector has only one valid signal, the pixels in the vector must be either all valid or all invalid. The hStart and vStart signals apply to the pixel with the lowest index in the vector. The hEnd and vEnd signals apply to the pixel with the highest index in the vector.

Data Types: bus

Region of interest, specified as a row vector of four positive integers that define the coordinates of the top-left corner and dimensions of each desired output frame. The vector must have the form [hPos vPos hSize vSize]. The block has R region ports, where R is the Number of regions parameter value.

For multipixel streaming the regions must meet these conditions, where M is Number of pixels.

  • mod(hPos, M) = 1 — For example, if your pixel stream has four pixels per cycle, 129 is a valid value of hPos (mod(129,4) = 1), while 128 is invalid (mod(128,4) = 0).

  • mod(hSize, M) = 0 — For example, if your pixel stream has four pixels per cycle, 120 is a valid hSize (mod(120,4) = 0), while 118 is invalid (mod(118,4) = 2).


To enable this port, clear the Reuse output ports for vertically aligned regions parameter and set the Regions source parameter to Input port.

Data Types: int | uint


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Output pixel, returned as a single pixel or multipixel stream. The output dimensions and data type match those of the input pixel port. By default, the block has R output pixel ports, where R is the Number of regions parameter, or the number of rows in the Regions parameter matrix.

When you select Reuse output ports for vertically aligned regions, the block has one output pixel port for each column of vertically-aligned regions.

Data Types: uint | int | fixed point | Boolean | double | single

Control signals, returned as a pixelcontrol bus that contains five signals. By default, the block has R output ctrl ports, where R is the Number of regions parameter, or the number of rows in the Regions parameter matrix.

When you select Reuse output ports for vertically aligned regions, the block has one output ctrl port for each column of aligned regions.

Data Types: bus


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When you select this parameter, you must specify regions that have no vertical overlap and that are aligned in columns. The block has one output pixel stream for each column of regions. This arrangement enables parallel processing of each column, and the reuse of downstream processing logic for each region in a column. Use the visionhdlframetoregions function to divide a frame into tiled regions for vertical reuse.


To enable this parameter, set the Regions source parameter to Property.

Specify the location of the output region definitions. You can set Regions source to one of these values:

  • Property — Specify the regions by using the Regions parameter.

  • Input port — Specify the regions by using input ports. Each input port corresponds to one region. The block samples the region input ports when vStart is true in the input control bus.


To enable this parameter, clear the Reuse output ports for vertically aligned regions parameter.

Specify rectangular ROIs to select from the input frame as an R-by-4 matrix.

R is the number of regions. The four elements that define each region are the top-left starting coordinates and the dimensions of the region and must be of the form [hPos vPos hSize vSize]. The coordinates count from the upper-left corner of the active frame, defined as [1,1]. hSize must be greater than 1.

For multipixel streaming the regions must meet these conditions, where M is Number of pixels.

  • mod(hPos, M) = 1 — For example, if your pixel stream has four pixels per cycle, 129 is a valid value of hPos (mod(129,4) = 1), while 128 is invalid (mod(128,4) = 0).

  • mod(hSize, M) = 0 — For example, if your pixel stream has four pixels per cycle, 120 is a valid hSize (mod(120,4) = 0), while 118 is invalid (mod(118,4) = 2).

When you clear the Reuse output ports for vertically aligned regions parameter, the regions can overlap, and R must not be greater than 16.

When you select Reuse output ports for vertically aligned regions, the regions in this matrix must have no vertical overlap and be aligned in columns. This diagram shows two examples of invalid regions outlined with a blue dashed line. The region on the left overlaps another region vertically. The two regions at the bottom do not align with the other regions in their columns. The regions do not have to cover the entire frame. Pixels outside of the tiled regions are marked as inactive pixels. The number of columns must not be greater than 16.


To enable this parameter, set the Regions source parameter to Property.

Specify the number of region input ports as an integer in the range [1, 16].


To enable this parameter, set the Regions source parameter to Input port.


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The generated HDL code for the ROI Selector block uses two 32-bit counters. The block does not use additional counters for additional regions.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2016a

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