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Pixel Control Structure

Vision HDL Toolbox™ System objects use a structure data type for control signals associated with serial pixel data. The structure contains five logical signals indicating the validity of a pixel and its location within a frame. You can easily pass the data and control output arguments of one Vision HDL Toolbox System object™ as the input arguments to another Vision HDL Toolbox System object, because the objects use this structure for input and output control signal arguments. To convert an image into a pixel stream and control signals, use the visionhdl.FrameToPixels System object.

SignalDescriptionData Type
hStarttrue for the first pixel in a horizontal line of a framelogical
hEndtrue for the last pixel in a horizontal line of a framelogical
vStarttrue for the first pixel in the first (top) line of a framelogical
vEndtrue for the last pixel in the last (bottom) line of a framelogical
validtrue for any valid pixellogical

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