Connect bwlabeled components

4 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
D el 24 de Jun. de 2011
[EDIT: 20110623 22:06 CDT - reformat - WDR]
Hello, I need help on a very simple task...well..seemingly.
except I have a tiff stack with numerous layers in series. In this image the blobs move around as one goes deeper into the tiff stack series (it is a spatial not temporal series). I am trying to do the following:
Find all unique objects per layer, connect objects from one plane to another that 'overlap'(thus indicating that both object x1 in layer a and x2 in layer b are the same object just at different spatial depths) as a line segment, generate a output with orientation in z of each line segment.
I have done the first instant. I am looking for advice on how to go about the object grouping, ie. connecting the same 'real object' in the serialized sections.
Any functions I should look at? Particle tracking functions perhaps?

Respuesta aceptada

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski el 27 de Jun. de 2011
Using bwconncomp on a three dimensional image will group them in 3d. You'll have to call it on each individual slice to see how many objects per slice there are:
sliceObjs = zeros(size(stack,3),1);
for ii = 1:size(stack,3)
CC = bwconncomp(stack(:,:,ii));
sliceObjs(ii) = CC.NumObjects;
EDIT This is a script, with the engine completely generalized and ready to go. I saved you above image; cropped it and translated it for visualization error checking purposes. The translation was done using my function FEX:imtranslate
%%Data and stuff
I = imread('ans627.png'); %your image
I = I(35:276,86:381,1)==255; %keep relevant part; convert to binary
I(:,:,2) = imtranslate(I,[10 -14]); %artificially translate for testing
I(5:11,270:275,2) = true; %add an eleventh object with no friends
szI = size(I);
Ds = cell(szI(3)-1); %preallocate place to store stuff
CCold = bwconncomp(I(:,:,1)); %cc of first slice
RPold = regionprops(CCold,'centroid');
centsA = vertcat(RPold(:).Centroid); %extract centroids
for ii = 1:(szI(3)-1)
CCnew = bwconncomp(I(:,:,ii+1)); %cc of next slice
RPnew = regionprops(CCnew,'centroid');
centsB = vertcat(RPnew(:).Centroid);
dim = 2; %which dimension will control in the bsxfun expression?
if CCold.NumObjects>CCnew.NumObjects
dim = 1;
xyDiff = bsxfun(@(x,y)abs(x-y),reshape(centsA,[],1,2),reshape(centsB,1,[],2)); %Centroids distances in each dimension
[~,idx] = min(hypot(xyDiff(:,:,1),xyDiff(:,:,2)),[],dim);
if dim==2;
displacements = centsB(idx,:)-centsA;
H = quiver(centsA(:,1),centsA(:,2),displacements(:,1),displacements(:,2));
displacements = centsB-centsA(idx,:);
H = quiver(centsB(:,1),centsB(:,2),displacements(:,1),displacements(:,2));
RPold = RPnew; %get ready to move on
CCold = CCnew;
centsA = centsB;
Ds{ii} = displacements; %can store other stuff too.
%SCd 06/27/2011
If you now look at displacements, you'll see that the artificial translation was recovered. I didn't place a threshold on distance - just used the minimum one. This could be added easily enough. (replace objects without a match to nan to maintain order)
  20 comentarios
D el 1 de Jul. de 2011
So would this work:
Cwith_header = vertcat({['x' num2str(ii)],['y' num2str(ii)]},C);
D el 1 de Jul. de 2011
In addtion, when I run your code above, I occasionally get the error on this line:
[~,idx] = min(hypot(xyDiff(:,:,1),xyDiff(:,:,2)),[],dim);
which generally says Expression or statement is
incorrect--possibly unbalanced (, {, or [.
Also I sometimes get :Subscript indices must either be real
positive integers or logicals on the displacement lines:
displacements = centsB(idx,:)-centsA;
My centsA and centsB are 258x2 and 272x2 respectively. I am working on padding the smaller of the two with nans (then convert to 0s when needed for some manipulation), is there slick way of doing this?

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Más respuestas (3)

Wolfgang Schwanghart
Wolfgang Schwanghart el 24 de Jun. de 2011
I'd start with using the function bwlabeln to label the connected components in the 3d. This, however, requires them to never overlap or touch. If this occurs, you might want to use imerode prior to bwlabeln to let each object shrink a little.
  2 comentarios
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski el 24 de Jun. de 2011
Personally I'd recommend using bwconncomp and if necessary labelmatrix to get the label. bwlabeln (and label matrices in general) take up a lot of memory.
Wolfgang Schwanghart
Wolfgang Schwanghart el 27 de Jun. de 2011
Oh right. Somehow I thought bwconncomp works in 2D only, but I was wrong.

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D el 24 de Jun. de 2011
I would like to use bwconncomp, but I am running Matlab 7.5(R2007B).
Thus far I have this :
a=zeros([500 500 90], 'uint8'); % 90 frames deep
for i=1:length(a)
That should find all the centroids in the volume right?
  1 comentario
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski el 24 de Jun. de 2011
Yes - in 3D.
If you want the output structure identical to bwconncomp (for storage) purposes and you have a label matrix, you can use my label2CC function.

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D el 24 de Jun. de 2011
Thanks, I think I almost got it working...I guess I will use this space for some more questions on this code(I am still getting the basics in Matlab).
It seems to be the case that the 'orientation' function in regionprops only seems to work in 2D. Is there a 3D variant? Could I take an orientation of each labeled object as an orthogonal vector to the plane (in polar coordinates?)?
I have some more interesting questions coming up, more about morphology, which is still beyond me, but perhaps will interest the gurus. I will update with code as I figure at everything.
  7 comentarios
D el 27 de Jun. de 2011
Ok, so I got a 3d labelmatrix, L,
I took a look at the objects :
it returned
So I have 2614 objects which may or may not be connected together precisely. Is there a way to project the centroids onto a tiff stack as an overlay?
anyway to try Wolfgang's method
I then want to compute the centroids:
s=regionprops(BW,centroid) %in a for loop?
using labelmatrix ->
I want to see if there is a difference in num of objects
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski el 27 de Jun. de 2011
length(..) returns the size of the _largest_ dimension. Therefore, don't use it, since it's unreliable and can change!
force SIZE to output the size of the dimension you want, in this case 3, size(L,3);

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