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parfor and global variables

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
MRC el 1 de Nov. de 2013
Comentada: MRC el 4 de Nov. de 2013
Hi, could you help me please in solving this problem? I need to use parfor and at the same time the function simuconf inside parfor uses global variables. I have read other similar questions but I haven't been able to find a solution. Thanks a lot!
parfor w=1:B
A=load(['subdata' mstr '.mat']); %At each iteration I load subdata(w)
E=load(['freq' mstr '.mat']); %and freq(w) and I have to transform them in
%numerical arrays
C= struct2cell(A);
D= struct2cell(E);
global subdata
global freq
subdata= cell2mat(C);
for x=1:cutoffcoeffs
[compare(x)]=simuconf(coeffconfidsimple(x,:)'); %This function uses
%subdata and freq
%at each iteration
temp(w,:)=[w ((compare)*size(subdata,1))'];

Respuesta aceptada

Doug Hull
Doug Hull el 1 de Nov. de 2013
Why use globals? They are often just confusing and hard to debug. Just pass them into simuconf.

Más respuestas (1)

Haithem Bouziri
Haithem Bouziri el 1 de Nov. de 2013
I think you have to use matlabpool before using parfor , matlabpool(n) must call n workers to execute your parfor. n <= number of core in your processor.


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