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I currently have a code on haar wavelet transform decomposition for one(1) level, but will really appreciate if good hands can work on it and make it a 2-level HAAR wavelet transform decomposition

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
current code for the 1-level haar wavelet decomposition, which gives me 4 images(4 states), i need for 2-level,which will give me 7images.
getd = @(p)path(p,path);%%%% Path Location containing haar wavelet toolbox
n = 256;
N = n*n;
name = 'DSC00458';%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Loading of the new image
f = load_image(name,n);
figure, imshow(f);
f = rescale( sum(f,3) );
J = log2(n)-1;
haarV = @(a)[ a(1:2:length(a),:) + a(2:2:length(a),:);
a(1:2:length(a),:) - a(2:2:length(a),:) ]/sqrt(2);
haarH = @(a)haarV(a')';
haar = @(a)haarH(haarV(a));
I = (plot_wavelet(haar(f),J));

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