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Codes for Gauss Seidel Method

6 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Sam el 22 de Abr. de 2014
Respondida: Meysam Mahooti el 29 de Nov. de 2019
I am looking for matlab codes for the following...
Write a program that takes a value for n and solves for x using the following method:
Gauss-Seidel iteration starting with x_0=0 and terminating when the residual is less than 10^8 in ∞ norm. The program should output the ∞ norm of the residual of your computed solution and the number of iterations used where A =
n=10; A = full(gallery('tridiag',n,-1,2,-1));
And, I don't know how to write b as a matrix form...
And, this is the code for b... n = 100; i = 2:(n-1); bmid = i.^2 / ((n+1).^4); b = [1+1/(n+1)^4, bmid, 6+(n^2)/(n+1)^4]';

Respuestas (1)

Meysam Mahooti
Meysam Mahooti el 29 de Nov. de 2019
The Gauss–Seidel method is an iterative technique for solving a square system of n linear equations with unknown x.


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