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Insert Chart into Multiple Excel sheets

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Russell el 28 de Mayo de 2014
I would like to apply this chart to all 16 sheets in the workbook. How can I do this?
Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
ResultFile = [pwd '\data.xls']; %USER INPUT: name of file within folder Workbook = invoke(Excel.Workbooks,'Open', ResultFile); %Error is apparently here
set(Excel, 'Visible' ,1);
%% Creating Charts
Chart = Excel.ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart; Chart.Name = 'ExperimentChart';
ExpChart = Excel.ActiveSheet.ChartObjects('ExperimentChart'); ExpChart.Activate;
Series = invoke(Excel.ActiveChart,'SeriesCollection',1); invoke(Series,'Delete'); Series = invoke(Excel.ActiveChart,'SeriesCollection',1); invoke(Series,'Delete'); Series = invoke(Excel.ActiveChart,'SeriesCollection',1); invoke(Series,'Delete');
catch e
resultsheet = '1917001.dat';
NewSeries = invoke(Excel.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection,'NewSeries'); NewSeries.XValues = ['=' resultsheet '!A' int2str(3) ':A' int2str(999)]; NewSeries.Values = ['=' resultsheet '!B' int2str(2) ':B' int2str(999)]; NewSeries.Name = ['=' resultsheet '!B' int2str(1) ];
%Chart Style Excel.ActiveChart.ChartType = 'xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers';
%Set the Axes
% Set the x-axis
Axes = invoke(Excel.ActiveChart,'Axes',1); set(Axes,'HasTitle',1); set(Axes.AxisTitle,'Caption','Time(s)')
% Set the y-axis
Axes = invoke(Excel.ActiveChart,'Axes',2); set(Axes,'HasTitle',1); set(Axes.AxisTitle,'Caption','RPM')
% % Give the Chart a title Excel.ActiveChart.HasTitle = 1; Excel.ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Characters.Text = 'RPM vs. Time';
% Resize the Chart
ExpChart.Width = 350; ExpChart.Height= 200; ExpChart.Left= 300; ExpChart.Top= 50;

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