Trying to Insert Charts to specific Excel Sheets

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Russell el 29 de Mayo de 2014
Comentada: Allen el 30 de Mayo de 2021
I am attempting to write a code that will insert charts into a varying number of sheets in excel. The format of each sheet is consistent, just different numbers. This is what I have so far:
Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
File = '\data_atmospheric.xlsx';
RT_number = 1917
ResultFile = [pwd File];
Workbook = invoke(Excel.Workbooks,'Open', ResultFile);
Sheet = invoke(Excel.Workbooks);
set(Excel, 'Visible' ,1);
Chart = Excel.ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart;
Chart.Name = 'ExperimentChart';
ExpChart = Excel.ActiveSheet.ChartObjects('ExperimentChart' );
try Series = invoke(Excel.ActiveChart,'SeriesCollection',1);
Series = invoke(Excel.ActiveChart,'SeriesCollection',1);
Series = invoke(Excel.ActiveChart,'SeriesCollection',1);
catch e
F= dir('*dat');
for ii = 1:length(F)
resultsheet = (F(ii).name);
NewSeries = invoke(Excel.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection,'NewSeries'); NewSeries.XValues = ['=' resultsheet '!A' int2str(3) ':A' int2str(999)]; NewSeries.Values = ['=' resultsheet '!B' int2str(2) ':B' int2str(999)]; NewSeries.Name = ['=' resultsheet '!B' int2str(1) ];
Excel.ActiveChart.ChartType = 'xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers';
Axes = invoke(Excel.ActiveChart,'Axes',1); set(Axes,'HasTitle',1); set(Axes.AxisTitle,'Caption','Time(s)')
Axes = invoke(Excel.ActiveChart,'Axes',2); set(Axes,'HasTitle',1); set(Axes.AxisTitle,'Caption','RPM');
Excel.ActiveChart.HasTitle = 1; Excel.ActiveChart.ChartTitle.Characters.Text = 'RPM vs. Time';
ExpChart.Width = 350; ExpChart.Height= 200; ExpChart.Left= 300; ExpChart.Top= 50;
  2 comentarios
dpb el 29 de Mayo de 2014
And the question is???
Allen el 30 de Mayo de 2021
Not sure how to directly add charts to specific worksheer, but it is fairly straightforward to add separate chartsheets to an Excel workbook. I provided an answer to a separate post explaing how to use programmatically setup new chartsheets and assign new dataseries to them. It may not be exactly what you are looking for, but possibly will work for you.

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