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Text box with a variable on one line

11 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Emily el 18 de Ag. de 2014
Comentada: Emily el 18 de Ag. de 2014
I'm new to matlab (formerly used LabView) I am trying to create a text box for a graph using a variable TimeStep defined above using the code below. How can I get this to appear on one line (tried strjoin but didn't get anywhere) instead of starting a new line at TimeStep and 'min means'
annotation(figure1,'textbox',[0.153 0.817 0.183 0.0815,],'String',{('Error bars are ± one standard deviation on'; num2str(TimeStep);'min means'},'FitBoxToText', 'on', 'FontSize',12,'FontName', 'Calibri')

Respuestas (1)

Adam el 18 de Ag. de 2014
Using ; within a { } block will force a new line so try removing those and just concatenating in a [ ] block instead.


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