Cross-validated model parameters extraction in fitcecoc SVM linear kernel

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I am trying to extract the parameters from the cross-validated model of fitcecoc SVM with linear kernel. I want to extract the parameters which I could use for training and testing. I tried to look into the model but I could not find the bias/beta etc.
mdl = fitcecoc(Xs,Y,'Coding','onevsall','Learners',t);
CVMDL = crossval(mdl, 'kfold',5);
Error = kfoldLoss(CVMDL)

Respuestas (1)

Sulaymon Eshkabilov
Sulaymon Eshkabilov el 30 de Oct. de 2021
You should use these fcns instead of crossval:
kfoldPredict(), predict(), resubPredict()
  1 comentario
AMIR KHAN el 30 de Oct. de 2021
I want to use the parameters from the cross validated model. I want to fix these parameters to my model. Then I want to train my model on whole train set. Finally, test the trained model using test set.

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