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Syntax Error using Fcn Block

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Tufail Ahmad Bhat
Tufail Ahmad Bhat el 26 de En. de 2022
Editada: Tufail Ahmad Bhat el 26 de En. de 2022
I have been trying to use Fcn Block in simulink but i get the error
The expression: (d1*h11)*(u(7))-(d1*h12+d1*C1)*(u(2))+(d2*h7+d2*h8+d3*h10)*(u(3))-(d2*C2+d3*C3)*(u(4))-d3*C3*(u(6))+d3*h10*(u(5))
in 'slx_drips/DRIPS/Fcn1'
has a syntax error
Please can somebody solve this error.

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